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Showing 20 pages using this property.
a Polish-Jewish microbiologist, whose writings made an important early contribution to the historical philosophy and sociology of science  +
a Swedish historian of science notable for his contributions to the history of Swedish science  +
an American physicist, historian of science, and philosopher of science notable for his work on the Duhem-Quine thesis, reliability of experimental results, and the resolution of conflicting observations  +
a Canadian historian of mathematics and cosmology  +
a philosopher who participated in the development of scientonomy during his undergraduate studies. He is no longer an active member of the scientonomy community  +
a professor of philosophy at Stanford University, his interests include Kant, Philosophy of Science, History of Twentieth Century Philosophy, including the interaction between philosophy and the exact sciences from Kant through the logical empiricists, prospects for post-Kuhnian philosophy of science in light of these developments, and the relationship between analytic and continental traditions in the early twentieth century.  +
a Canadian scientonomer who has done work on disciplinary dynamics of chymistry and alchemy  +
an American philosopher and historian of science as well as a physicist  +
a Brazilian scientonomer and philosopher of science notable for his work on Paul Feyerabend, evolutionary theory, and pluralism  +
American historian of science  +
a British philosopher of science and mathematics  +
a Canadian scientonomist  +
a professor of philosophy and cognitive science at Rutgers University in New Jersey and a leading figure in epistemology  +
a modern distinguished professor of psychological and brain sciences at Indiana University.  +
a prolific medievalist and historian of science  +
is an American biologist primarily known for writing on the Science Wars.  +
an American philosopher of science at the University of Notre Dame  +
philosopher  +