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Created page with "<noinclude> This is the "Discipline Hierarchy Theory" form. It is used to create new entries for claims about subdiscipline/superdiscipline relations. When the form is used to..."
This is the "Discipline Hierarchy Theory" form. It is used to create new entries for claims about subdiscipline/superdiscipline relations. When the form is used to create a new discipline hierarchy theory (as opposed to merely editing an existing one), it expects one of the following parameters to be passed onto the query string:

query string=
Parent= //the superdiscipline
Child= //the subdiscipline
{{{info|page name=<Discipline Hierarchy Theory[Child]>&#32;Is a Subdiscipline of&#32;<Discipline Hierarchy Theory[Parent]>&#32;({{PrintAuthorsArrayLastName|authors=<Discipline Hierarchy Theory[Authors List]>|delimiter=-}}-<Discipline Hierarchy Theory[Formulated Year]>)|create title=Add a New Discipline Hierarchy Theory|edit title=Edit}}}
<div id="wikiPreview" style="display: none; padding-bottom: 25px; margin-bottom: 25px; border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;"></div>
{{{for template|Discipline Hierarchy Theory}}}
--><!-- get the child and/or parent from the URL
-->{{#vardefine: varParent|{{#urldecode:{{#urlget:Parent|}}}}|}}<!--
-->{{#if: {{IfObjectExists|category=Definitional Topic|object={{#var: varParent}}|}}<!--
-->|<!-- all good
-->|{{#vardefine: varParent|{{#show:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|?Parent|link=none}}|}}<!-- parent is not given in the URL: retrieve current value
-->{{#vardefine: varChild|{{#urldecode:{{#urlget:Child|}}}}|}}<!--
-->{{#if: {{IfObjectExists|category=Definitional Topic|object={{#var: varChild}}|}}<!--
-->|<!-- all good
-->|{{#vardefine: varChild|{{#show:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|?Child|link=none}}|}}<!-- child is not given in the URL: retrieve current value
--><!-- get the readonly properties
-->{{#vardefine: varFormulatedYear|{{#show:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|?Formulated Year|link=none}}|}}<!--
-->{{#vardefine: varAuthorsList|{{#show:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|?Authors List|link=none}}|}}<!--
{| class="formtable"
!width="30%"| Superdiscipline: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">What is the superdiscipline in this relationship? If the discipline is not in the list, please first add it in the Discipline category.</p>
-->{{#if: {{#var: varParent}}<!--
-->|{{{field|Parent|input type=combobox|existing values only|values from category=Discipline|mandatory}}} <!--
! Subdiscipline: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">What is the subdiscipline in this relationship? If the discipline is not in the list, please first add it in the Discipline category.</p>
-->{{#if: {{#var: varChild}}<!--
-->|{{{field|Child|input type=combobox|existing values only|values from category=Discipline|mandatory}}} <!--
! Author(s): <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Who are the authors of this formulation? If the author is not in the list, please first add the author in Author category.</p>
-->{{#if: {{#var: varAuthorsList}}<!--
-->{{{field|Authors List|hidden|default={{#var:varAuthorsList|}}|}}}<!--
-->|{{{field|Authors List|input type=tokens|existing values only|values from category=Author|mandatory}}} {{#formlink:form=Author|link text=Add a New Author|popup}}<!--
-->}}<!-- if
! Year of Formulation: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">When was this theory first formulated?</p>
-->{{#if: {{#var: varFormulatedYear}}<!--
-->|{{#var: varFormulatedYear}}<!--
-->{{{field|Formulated Year|hidden|default={{#var:varFormulatedYear|}}|}}}<!--
-->|{{{field|Formulated Year|input type=regexp|regexp=/^\d{4}$/|size=4|message=The year field can accept only integers and must be 4 digits in length!|mandatory|default={{CURRENTYEAR}}|}}}<!--
-->}}<!-- if
! Disjoint Group (Basis of Distinguishing): <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Subdisciplines of a discipline can be disjoint or overlapping. For instance, the discipline of ''physics'' can have several groups of disjoint subdisciplines, such as ''theoretical physics'' and ''experimental physics'' as one group, and ''electrodynamics'', ''thermodynamics'', ''hydrodynamics'', etc. as another group. If a dsiciplien has more than one group of disjoint subdisciplines, enter the basis on which this subdiscipline is distinguished from its disjoint siblings. NOTE: It should follow the phrase "on the basis of", e.g. "object of inquiry", "theoretical/observational"). The group named "Main" will be listed first among subdisciplines and the word "Main" will be omitted.</p>
| {{{field|Disjoint Group|input type=text}}}
! Formulation File: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Often formulations need to appear in a standard box with a title and text. Select or upload the image for this formulation.</p>
| {{{field|Formulation File|input type=text with autocomplete|existing values only|values from namespace=File|uploadable|property=Formulation File}}}
! Description: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Provide a detailed description of this theory here. NOTE: The '''first paragraph''' of this description will also appear on any other page that cites this theory, so please ensure that the first paragraph contains a succinct exposition of the theory.</p>
| {{{field|Description|input type=textarea|rows=15|editor=wikieditor}}}
! Source: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Where was this theory first formulated?</p>
| {{{field|Resource|input type=combobox|existing values only|values from category=Bibliographic Record}}}
! Broader History: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Optional. Use only if this formulation somehow owes to discussions outside of the scientonomic tradition. Otherwise leave empty.</p>
| {{{field|Prehistory|input type=textarea|rows=8|editor=wikieditor|}}}
! Scientonomic History: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Optional. Use only if this formulation is strongly related to previous scientonomic formulations. NOTE: Do not list what theories this theory came to replace as that will be done automatically by the encyclopedia.</p>
| {{{field|History|input type=textarea|rows=10|editor=wikieditor|}}}
--><!-- only editors can see or modify the page status
-->{{#ifingroup: editor|
! Page Status: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Indicate whether the article is approved by an editor, whether it requires further editing, or whether it is a stub.</p>
{{!}} {{{field|Page Status|input type=dropdown|mandatory|values=Editor Approved, Needs Editing, Stub|default=Stub}}}
! Editor Notes: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Please indicate what sort of information is missing from the page, what needs to be added, edited, changed, improved, etc.</p>
{{!}} {{{field|Editor Notes|input type=textarea|rows=3}}}<!--
{{{end template}}}

{{{for template|YouTube Video|label=YouTube Video|multiple}}}
{| class="formtable"
!width="30%"|Video ID: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">The ID of the YouTube video. E.g. if the video URL is, then the video ID is '''A22oy8dFjqc'''.</p>
|width="70%"| {{{field|VideoID|input type=text|size=20|maxlength=20|mandatory}}}
! Start at: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">If the video should not start at the beginning, indicate the start time of the video in ''seconds''. If empty, the video will start at the beginning.</p>
| {{{field|VideoStartAt|input type=regexp|size=10|regexp=/^\d*$/|message=Please enter integers only!}}}
! Video Description: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">this description will appear under the embedded video.</p>
| {{{field|VideoDescription|input type=textarea|rows=2}}}
! Section to Embed: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">The section of the page where the video should be embedded.</p>
| {{{field|VideoEmbedSection|input type=dropdown|mandatory|values=Description,History,Prehistory|default=Description}}}
{{{end template}}}

{{{for template|Theory Example|label=Example|multiple}}}
{| class="formtable"
!width="30%"| Title: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Enter a short title for this example. The title will be used as a sub-header when presenting the historical examples.</p>
|width="70%"| {{{field|Title|input type=text|mandatory}}}
! Description: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Provide a detailed description of the example here.</p>
| {{{field|Description|input type=textarea|rows=15|editor=wikieditor|mandatory}}}
! Example Type: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Is this an actual historical example, a hypothetical example, or a hybrid example?</p>
| {{{field|Example Type|input type=dropdown|mandatory|values=Historical,Hypothetical,Hybrid|default=Historical}}}
{{{end template}}}

{{{for template|Acceptance Record|label=Acceptance Record|multiple}}}
{| class="formtable"
!width="30%"|Accepted by Community: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Indicate the community where this theory was accepted.</p>
|width="70%"| {{{field|Community|input type=combobox|existing values only|values from category=Community|mandatory}}}
! Accepted From: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">NOTE: If this is an approximate date, please indicate so.</p>
| {{FormDateField|property=Accepted From|mandatory=yes|dataprecision=Day|showera=yes|showapproximate=yes|showmonthdayfields=yes|adddefault=yes}}
! Indicators of Acceptance: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">What kind of historical data makes us believe that the theory was in fact accepted by the community at that time? Please list all the relevant indicators together with the appropriate citations here.</p>
| {{{field|Acceptance Indicators|input type=textarea|rows=8}}}
! Still Accepted: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">Is the theory still accepted?</p>
| {{{field|Still Accepted|input type=dropdown|mandatory|values=No,Yes|default=Yes|show on select=No=>stillaccepted}}}
<div id="stillaccepted">
{| class="formtable"
!width="30%"| Accepted Until: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">NOTE: If this is an approximate date, please indicate so.</p>
|width="70%"| {{FormDateField|property=Accepted Until|mandatory=yes|dataprecision=Day|showera=yes|showapproximate=yes|showmonthdayfields=yes|adddefault=yes}}
! Indicators of Rejection: <br><p class="sfFieldDescription" style="font-size:0.7em; color:gray;">What kind of historical data shows that the theory was rejected by the community around that time? Please list all the relevant indicators together with the appropriate citations here.</p>
| {{{field|Rejection Indicators|input type=textarea|rows=8}}}
{{{end template}}}

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