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Created page with "<noinclude> This is the "Discipline Hierarchy Theory" template. This template is to be used for claims about the subdisciplines and superdisciplines. It is currently used by [..."
This is the "Discipline Hierarchy Theory" template. This template is to be used for claims about the subdisciplines and superdisciplines. It is currently used by [[Form:Discipline Hierarchy Theory]].

Among other values, the template also stores a property <code><nowiki>Disjoint Group Order</nowiki></code> for the ease of sorting. It can have one of three possible values, depending on the value of <code><nowiki>Disjoint Group</nowiki></code>:
* <code><nowiki>1</nowiki></code> - if <code><nowiki>Disjoint Group=Main</nowiki></code> to ensure that the disjoints in the main category are shown first.
* <code><nowiki>2</nowiki></code> - if <code><nowiki>Disjoint Group</nowiki></code> is anything but "Main" or empty, to ensure that these disjoints are presented after the main category.
* <code><nowiki>3</nowiki></code> - if <code><nowiki>Disjoint Group</nowiki></code> is empty, in which case a property <code><nowiki>Disjoint Group=None</nowiki></code> is stored. The subdisciplines with <code><nowiki>Disjoint Group=None</nowiki></code> will be printed at the end - each subdiscipline separately (one at a time) without being grouped.

It should be called in the following format:
{{Discipline Hierarchy Theory
|Disjoint Group= // if empty, "None" will be saved for ease of processing
|Formulated Year=
|Authors List=
|Formulation File=
|Page Status=
|Editor Notes=
Edit the page to see the template text.
-->Formulated Year={{{Formulated Year|}}}|<!--
-->Description={{#replace:{{{Description|}}}|CiteRef::|CITE_}}|<!-- replace CiteRef's when storing the value to make sure that the references are shown properly
-->Formulation File={{{Formulation File|}}}|<!--
-->Authors List={{{Authors List|}}}|<!--
-->Theory Type=Descriptive|<!--
-->Page Status={{{Page Status|Stub}}}|<!--
-->Editor Notes={{{Editor Notes|}}}|<!--
--><!-- set the two topics
-->{{#set: Topic={{FormatSubdisciplinesTopicTitle|term={{{Parent|}}}|}}|Topic={{FormatSuperdisciplinesTopicTitle|term={{{Child|}}}|}}|}}<!--
--><!-- set the two formulations - parent to child and child to parent
-->{{#set:Parent To Child Formulation={{{Parent|}}} is a superdiscipline of {{{Child|}}}.|Child to Parent Formulation={{{Child|}}} is a subdiscipline of {{{Parent|}}}.}}<!--
--><!-- set the combined formulation
-->{{#set:Formulation Text=[[{{{Child|}}}]] is a subdiscipline of [[{{{Parent|}}}]], i.e. {{lc:{{{Parent|}}}|}} is a superdiscipline of {{lc:{{{Child|}}}|}}.}}<!--
--><!-- set the disjoint group and group order for the ease of sorting.
-->{{#if: {{{Disjoint Group|}}}<!--
-->|<!-- group is given
-->{{#ifeq: {{{Disjoint Group|}}}|Main<!--
-->{{#vardefine: varDisjointGroup|Main|}}<!--
-->{{#vardefine: varDisjointGroupOrder|1}}<!--
-->{{#vardefine: varDisjointGroup|{{{Disjoint Group|}}}|}}<!--
-->{{#vardefine: varDisjointGroupOrder|2}}<!--
-->}}<!-- if
-->|<!-- empty: set disjoint group to None and order to 3.
-->{{#vardefine: varDisjointGroup|None}}<!--
-->{{#vardefine: varDisjointGroupOrder|3}}<!--
-->}}<!-- if
--><!-- set the first paragraph of the description so that it can be used on the topic page
-->{{#set:Description First Paragraph={{PrintFirstParagraph|vartext={{{Description|}}}|}}|}}<!--
-->{{#set: Disjoint Group={{#var: varDisjointGroup}}|Disjoint Group Order={{#var: varDisjointGroupOrder}}|}}<!--
--><!-- set the authors
-->{{#arraydefine:authorsArray|{{{Authors List|}}}|,|}}<!--
-->{{#arrayprint:authorsArray||@@@@|{{#set:Has Author=@@@@}}|}}<!--
--><!-- Calculate completion rates for each major property
-->{{#vardefine: varCRFil|{{SetTextPropertyCompletionRate|propertyname=Formulation File|propertyvalue={{{Formulation File|}}}|requiredwordcount=1|returnvalue=true}}|}}<!--
-->{{#vardefine: varCRDes|{{SetTextPropertyCompletionRate|propertyname=Description|propertyvalue={{{Description|}}}|requiredwordcount=400|returnvalue=true}}|}}<!--
-->{{#vardefine: varCRPre|{{SetTextPropertyCompletionRate|propertyname=Prehistory|propertyvalue={{{Prehistory|}}}|requiredwordcount=350|returnvalue=true}}|}}<!--
-->{{#vardefine: varCRHst|{{SetTextPropertyCompletionRate|propertyname=History|propertyvalue={{{History|}}}|requiredwordcount=50|returnvalue=true}}|}}<!--
--><!-- Now calculate the overall completion rate. 5 45 35 5
-->{{#ifeq: {{{Page Status|}}}|Editor Approved<!--
-->|<!-- editor approved: completion rate is always 100%
-->{{#vardefine: varCRtotal|100}}<!--
-->|<!-- not approved: calculate completion rate (90% max)
-->{{#vardefine: varCRtotal| {{#expr: ((5/100 * {{#var:varCRFil}}) + (45/100 * {{#var:varCRDes}}) + (35/100 * {{#var:varCRPre}}) + (5/100 * {{#var:varCRHst}}) ) round 0}} }}<!--
-->}}<!-- if page status
--><!-- store the value
-->{{#set: CR_Total={{#var:varCRtotal}} }}<!--
-->{{#if: {{{Formulation File|}}}|<nowiki/>

{{PrintDiagramFile|diagram file={{{Formulation File|}}}|}}

{{PrintTheoryTitleAuthorYearResource|theory={{FULLPAGENAME}}|}} {{#if: {{{Alternate Titles|}}}|It is also known as '''{{{Alternate Titles|}}}'''.&#32;}}<!--
--><!-- print prehistory (collapsed) if any
{{#if:{{{Prehistory|}}}|==Broader History==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
--><!-- print history if any
==Scientonomic History==
--><!-- print acceptance history
===Acceptance Record===
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
-->|intro=Here is the complete acceptance record of {{FULLPAGENAME}}:<!--
-->|default=This theory has never been accepted.<!--
--><!-- print suggestions to accept
===Suggestions To Accept===
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
Here are all the modifications where the acceptance of this theory has been suggested:<!--
--><!-- print suggestions to reject
===Suggestions To Reject===
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
These are all the modifications where the rejection of the theory has been suggested:<!--
--><!-- print question answered
==Questions Answered==
{{FULLPAGENAME}} is an attempt to answer the following questions: {{PrintOntologicalTheoryTopicQuestions|theory={{FULLPAGENAME}}|link=all|pretty=true}}.
--><!-- print description

{{PrintTheoryExamples|theory={{FULLPAGENAME}}|limit=4|intro=The gist of the theory can be illustrated by the following examples.}}

{{PrintTheoryReasons|theory={{FULLPAGENAME}}|default=No reasons are indicated for this theory.|showedit=yes}}

If a reason supporting this theory is missing, please {{#formlink:form=Reason|link text=add it here|popup|reload|query string=Reason[Conclusion]={{FULLPAGENAME}}|}}.<!--
--><!-- add categories
-->[[Category:Epistemic Element]]<!--
-->[[Category:Second Order Element]][[Category:Second Order Theory]][[Category:Discipline Hierarchy Theory]]<!--
-->{{#switch: {{{Page Status|Stub}}}<!--
--> |Editor Approved=[[Category:Editor Approved Theory Pages]]<!--
--> |Needs Editing=[[Category:Need Editing Theory Pages]]<!--
--> |Stub=[[Category:Stub Theory Pages]]<!--
-->__NOCACHE__ <!--

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