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This is the template for all types of Non-Definitional Topics (Descriptive, Normative). This template is to be used for all topics/questions the answers to which are descriptions or prescriptions (it is used by Form:Topic).

It should be called in the following format:

|Subject= //For first order questions, the subject must be a term registered in the encyclopedia. For higher order questions, the subject can be any lower level non-definitional theory question or theory.
|Topic Type= {Descriptive, Normative}
|Subfield= {Ontology, Dynamics, etc.}
|Heritable= {Yes, No}
|Inherited From= //the question that this question is inherited from
|Question Text Formula= //For heritable questions only.
|Question Title Formula= //For heritable questions only.
|Question Title= //Ignored for heritable questions.
|Question= //For non heritable questions only. For heritable questions, this is available to the editors only to use in cases when the text produced by the formula should be overridden. 
|Predicate= //Some text or a term registered in the encyclopedia
|Object Type= {Boolean, Class, Enumeration, Regular Expression, Text}
|Object Value True= //optional. Used only if Object Type=Boolean
|Object Value False= //optional. Used only if Object Type=Boolean
|Object Class= //optional. Used only if Object Type=Class
|Object Enum Values= //optional. Used only if Object Type=Enumeration
|Object Regexp= //optional. Used only if Object Type=Regexp
|Single Answer Text Formula=
|Multiple Answers Text Formula=
|Answer Title Formula=
|Answer Default Completeness= {Complete, Partial} //For binary questions, use Complete. For open questions, use Partial. 
|Authors List=
|Formulated Year=
|Academic Events=
|Current View=
|Parent Topic= //This will be deprecated. It will be calculated automatically in an agent-relative way following the current inheritance hierarchy of that agent. For now it is allowed as a backdoor so that it can be assigned manually.
|Related Topics= //This will be deprecated. It will be calculated automatically in an agent-relative way following the current inheritance hierarchy of that agent.
|Page Status=
|Editor Notes=
|Sorting Order=

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