
From Encyclopedia of Scientonomy
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Mechanism of Question Rejection, Mechanism of Norm Employment, Mechanism of Question Acceptance, Mechanism of Compatibility, Mechanism of Normative Theory Rejection, Role of Sociocultural Factors in Scientific Change, Mechanism of Theory Acceptance, Role of Methodology in Scientific Change, Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Epistemic Elements, Mechanism of Theory Rejection, Determinism vs. Underdeterminism in Scientific Change, Mechanism of Mosaic Split and Changeability of the Scientific Mosaic Mechanism of Question Rejection||Mechanism of Norm Employment||Mechanism of Question Acceptance||Mechanism of Compatibility||Mechanism of Normative Theory Rejection||Role of Sociocultural Factors in Scientific Change||Mechanism of Theory Acceptance||Role of Methodology in Scientific Change||Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Epistemic Elements||Mechanism of Theory Rejection||Determinism vs. Underdeterminism in Scientific Change||Mechanism of Mosaic Split||Changeability of the Scientific Mosaic

Changeability of the Scientific MosaicUnder what circumstances does scientific change become impossible?
Determinism vs. Underdeterminism in Scientific ChangeIs the process of scientific change a strictly deterministic process? Will two unconnected communities experience a similar historical series of changes in their individual mosaics?
Mechanism of CompatibilityUnder what conditions can two elements coexist in the same mosaic?
Mechanism of Mosaic SplitWhat happens to a mosaic when two or more similar theories are considered equally acceptable by a scientific community? Under what conditions does a mosaic split occur? What happens to a mosaic when it is transformed into two or more mosaics?
Mechanism of Norm EmploymentHow do norms become employed by an epistemic agent?
Mechanism of Normative Theory RejectionHow do normative theories become rejected? What is the mechanism of normative theory rejection?
Mechanism of Question AcceptanceHow do questions become accepted as legitimate topics of inquiry? What is the mechanism of question acceptance?
Mechanism of Question Rejection
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Epistemic ElementsWhat makes the epistemic elements of an agent's mosaic continue to remain in the mosaic?
Mechanism of Theory AcceptanceHow do theories become accepted into a mosaic?
Mechanism of Theory RejectionHow do theories become rejected? What is the mechanism of theory rejection?
Question Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021)
Question Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021)
Question Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Levesley-Pandey-2023)
Question Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Levesley-Pandey-2023)
Role of Methodology in Scientific ChangeWhat role do methodologies play in scientific change? Are methodologies capable of affecting employed methods?
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Scientific ChangeWhat is the role of sociocultural factors, such as economics or politics, in the process of scientific change?

<ul><li>"[[Category::Topic]]" is not recognized as valid category or value annotation.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Mechanism of Question Rejection" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Mechanism of Norm Employment" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Mechanism of Question Acceptance" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Mechanism of Compatibility" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Mechanism of Normative Theory Rejection" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Role of Sociocultural Factors in Scientific Change" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Mechanism of Theory Acceptance" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Role of Methodology in Scientific Change" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Epistemic Elements" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Mechanism of Theory Rejection" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Determinism vs. Underdeterminism in Scientific Change" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Mechanism of Mosaic Split" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "|Changeability of the Scientific Mosaic" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>


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Property "TempProp2 Year" (as page type) with input value "Error: Invalid time." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "TempProp2 Month" (as page type) with input value "Error: Invalid time." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Property "TempProp2" (as page type) with input value "Error: Invalid time." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.