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This template is used to print an array of topics related to the topic. By default only the topics that have been explicitly indicated as being related to the topic in question on the topic's page are included in the output. To add other topics (such as the parent topic, the subtopics, and the topics to which this topic itself is related to) use the |include...= flags.

NOTE: As any "printing" template, it doesn't store any values anywhere, but merely prints them on the page.


  • |topic= - the page for which related topics are to be printed.
  • |includeinverselyrelatedtopics= - if yes, the topics to which this topic is itself related will also be included in the list.
  • |includeparenttopic= - if yes, the parent topic is also included in the list.
  • |includesubtopics= - if yes, the subtopics of the topic are also included.
  • |intro= - initial text that precedes the output, if at least some results exist.
  • |outro= - text that is appended to the output, if at least some results exist.
  • |default= - if, for any reason, the query returns no results, this will be printed instead.
  • |link= - determines whether the values are to be printer as links to the respective pages (where available); possible values are none, subject, all. If not given all is the default.
  • |link= - determines whether the values are to be printed as links to the respective pages (where available); possible values are none, subject, all. If not given all is the default.
  • |pretty= - if non empty, a pretty list is produced where the last two elements are chained with an and (or the local languages equivalent).