Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Normative Theories

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What makes the normative theories of an agent's mosaic continue to remain in the mosaic?

It is important to understand what makes a norm that is already part of an agent's mosaic stay in that mosaic. In other words, it is important to know under what conditions such an inertia is possible

In the scientonomic context, this question was first formulated by Aayu Pandey in 2023. The question is currently accepted as a legitimate topic for discussion by Scientonomy community.

In Scientonomy, the accepted answer to the question is:

  • An employed norm remains employed in the mosaic unless replaced by other elements.

Scientonomic History

Acceptance Record of the Question

Here is the complete acceptance record of this question (it includes all the instances when the question was accepted as a legitimate topic for discussion by a community):
CommunityAccepted FromAcceptance IndicatorsStill AcceptedAccepted UntilRejection Indicators
Scientonomy28 December 2023The publication of Pandey's paper where an answer to this question is suggested is an indication that the question itself is accepted.Yes

All Direct Answers

The following direct answers to the question have been suggested:
TheoryFormulationFormulated In
The First Law for Norms (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)An employed norm remains employed in the mosaic unless replaced by other elements.2023

If a direct answer to this question is missing, please click here to add it.

Accepted Direct Answers

The following theories have been accepted as direct answers to this question:
CommunityTheoryFormulationAccepted FromAccepted Until
ScientonomyThe First Law for Norms (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)An employed norm remains employed in the mosaic unless replaced by other elements.22 February 2024

Suggested Modifications

Here is a list of modifications concerning direct answers to this question:
Modification Community Date Suggested Summary Date Assessed Verdict Verdict Rationale
Sciento-2023-0002 Scientonomy 28 December 2023 Accept new formulations of the first law for theories, norms, and questions that are in tune with the formulation of the first law. Also accept new formulations of the respective rejection theorems - theory rejection, norm rejection, and question rejection. 22 January 2024 Accepted During the 2024 workshop, the bulk of the discussion centered around the inclusion of the first law for norms and norm rejection theorem in the set of formulations to be accepted. Paul Patton contended that norm employment in general had not been demonstrated to be lawful beyond method employment, and our basic formulations should instead concern norm acceptance, which is patently lawful. He argued that the formulations should be modified to pertain either to methods only or to norm acceptance. It was decided that if the community were to remain uncomfortable with accepting Pandey’s new formulations, a revote would likely also need to be taken on Rawleigh’s Sciento-2022-0002, given that the issue of norm employment was also highlighted in discussions of that modification. After extensive discussion, Barseghyan suggested that the first law for norms would only apply to situations where behavior was norm-guided to begin with, which would skirt the difficulty that faces even behavioural psychologists of determining whether human behaviour in general is lawful. The majority of the community was comfortable with this workaround, and the modification was ultimately accepted with over 2/3rds majority assenting, with 11/14 votes to accept (although 1 voter voted to reject the modification and 2 voted to keep it open).

Current View

In Scientonomy, the accepted answer to the question is The First Law for Norms (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023).

The First Law for Norms (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023) states: "An employed norm remains employed in the mosaic unless replaced by other elements."

The First Law for Norms (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023).png

Unlike Barseghyan's initial formulation of the first law for methods, Pandey's formulation accomplishes two things. First, it applies to norms of all types rather than merely to methods. Second, it allows for norms to be replaced by elements of any type, not merely by other norms.1pp. 28-29

Related Topics

This question is a subquestion of Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Theories. It has the following sub-topic(s):


  1. ^  Pandey, Aayu. (2023) Dilemma of the First Law. Scientonomy 5, 25-46. Retrieved from