Property:Citation text

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Kuhn, Thomas. (1961) Sadi Carnot and the Cagnard Engine. ''Isis'' 52 (4), 567-574.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1962) ''The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.'' University of Chicago Press.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1962) Historical Structure of Scientific Discovery. ''Science'' 136 (3518), 760-764.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1962) Review of Forces and Fields: The Concept of Action at a Distance in the History of Physics, by Mary B. Hesse. ''American Scientist'' 50, 442A-443A.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1963) The Function of Dogma in Scientific Research. In [[Crombie (Ed.) (1963)]], 347-369.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1964) A Function for Thought Experiment. In [[Kuhn (1977a)]], 240-265.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1966) Review of Towards an Historiography of Science, History and Theory, Beiheft 2, by Joseph Agassi. ''British Journal for the Philosophy of Science'' 17, 256-258.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1967) The Turn to Recent Science: Review of The Questioners: Physicist and the Quantum Theory, by Barbara L. Cline; Thirty Years that Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory, by George Gamow; The Conceptual Development of Quantum Mechanics, by Max Jammer; Korrespondenz, Individualität, und Komplementarität: eine Studie zur Geistesgeschichte der Quantentheorie in den Beiträgen Niels Bohrs, by Klaus M. Meyer-Abich; Niels Bohr: The Man, His Science, and the World They Changed, by Ruth E. Moore; and Sources of Quantum Mechanics, edited by Bertel L. van der Waerden. ''Isis'' 58, 409-419.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1967) Review of The Discovery of Time, by Stephen E. Toulmin and June Goodfield. ''American Historical Review'' 72, 925-926.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1967) Review of Michael Faraday: A Biography, by Leslie Pearce Williams. ''British Journal for the Philosophy of Science'' 18, 148-154.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1967) Reply to Leslie Pearce Williams. ''British Journal for the Philosophy of Science'' 18, 233.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1967) Review of Niels Bohr: His Life and Work As Seen By His Friends and Colleagues, edited by Stefan Rozental. ''American Scientist'' 55, 339A-340A.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1968) The History of Science. ''International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences'' 14, 74-83.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1968) Review of The Old Quantum Theory, edited by D. ter Haar. ''British Journal for the Philosophy of Science'' 98, 80-81.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1970) Reflections on My Critics. In [[Lakatos and Musgrave (Eds.) (1970)]], 231-278.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1970) Logic of Discovery or Psychology of Research? In [[Lakatos and Musgrave (Eds.) (1970)]], 1-20.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1970) ''The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: Second Edition, Enlarged.'' University of Chicago Press.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1970) Postscript. In [[Kuhn (1970c)]], 174-210.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1970) Alexander Koyré and the History of Science: On an Intellectual Revolution. ''Encounter'' 21, 67-69.  +
Kuhn, Thomas. (1971) Notes on Lakatos. In [[Buck and Cohen (Eds.) (1971)]], 137-146.  +