Hickney (2016)

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Hickney, Thomas. (2016) Twentieth Century Philosophy of Science: A History. T. J. Hickney. Retrieved from http://www.philsci.com/.

Title Twentieth Century Philosophy of Science: A History
Resource Type book
Author(s) Thomas Hickney
Year 2016
Publisher T. J. Hickney
ISBN 9780964466500
URL http://www.philsci.com/


This web site, Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Science: A History, is a revised and enlarged edition of a 1995 print book titled History of Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Science, which is now out of print. This web site is also published as an e-book with the same title as the site, and is available at most Internet booksellers. The greatly expanded “Introduction” chapter set forth herein as “BOOK I” summarizes the fundamental principles of the contemporary pragmatist philosophy of science, and includes discussion of the recently emergent specialty “computational philosophy of science”. Each of the remaining chapters, BOOK II through BOOK VIII, focuses upon writers who have influenced the evolution of twentieth-century philosophy of science.