Singular Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Authority Delegation (Loiselle-2017)

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This is a theory that states "Singular Authority Delegation is a subtype of Authority Delegation, i.e. authority delegation is a supertype of singular authority delegation."

Singular Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Authority Delegation (Loiselle-2017) was formulated by Mirka Loiselle in 2017.1 It is currently accepted by Scientonomy community as the best available answer to the question.

Scientonomic History

Acceptance Record

Here is the complete acceptance record of Singular Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Authority Delegation (Loiselle-2017):
CommunityAccepted FromAcceptance IndicatorsStill AcceptedAccepted UntilRejection Indicators
Scientonomy23 October 2018The relation became accepted as a result of the acceptance of the acceptance of the respective modification.Yes

Suggestions To Accept

Here are all the modifications where the acceptance of this theory has been suggested:

Modification Community Date Suggested Summary Date Assessed Verdict Verdict Rationale
Sciento-2017-0007 Scientonomy 19 May 2017 Accept the definitions of the following subtypes of authority delegation: singular authority delegation, multiple authority delegation, hierarchical authority delegation, and non-hierarchical authority delegation. 23 October 2018 Accepted While the notions of singular and multiple authority delegation didn't cause much controversy, the notions of hierarchical and non-hierarchical authority delegation gave rise to notable disagreement among scientonomists. As a result, the modification was in discussion for about a year and a half.c1 Eventually, a consensus emerged mostly as a result of offline (in-person) discussion meetings. It was agreed that "for decisions that are not rote and routine, it seems highly unlikely that a pre-established hierarchy of authority delegation does or could exist, nor could a pre-established belief that all authorities should be given equal weight".c2 However, it was also agreed that Loiselle's study "have identified at least one aspect of hierarchical authority delegation in epistemic communities",c3 for "there seem to be instances where some experts occupy privileged positions in the eyes of those delegating authority" and that "alone is sufficient to suggest that hierarchies of authority delegation exists, regardless of of how transient or fixed they might be".c4

Questions Answered

Singular Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Authority Delegation (Loiselle-2017) is an attempt to answer the following questions: Subtypes of Authority Delegation and Supertypes of Singular Authority Delegation.



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  1. ^  Loiselle, Mirka. (2017) Multiple Authority Delegation in Art Authentication. Scientonomy 1, 41-53. Retrieved from