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This graph's main version resides at mediawiki Template:Graph:PageViews. Please make all the changes there and copy it everywhere else (until the copying is automated)

{{ Graph:PageViews }}
30 days for the current page (if there is data)
{{ Graph:PageViews | 90 | Main Page | en.wikipedia.org }}
90 days for Main Page on English Wikipedia


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<templatedata> { "params": { "1": { "type": "number", "default": "30", "suggested": true, "label": "Number of days back" }, "2": { "label": "Page Title", "description": "Title of the page, with namespace, including needed spaces", "type": "wiki-page-name", "default": "Name of the current article page (even if on talk page)", "example": "Main Page" }, "3": { "label": "Domain", "default": "Current wiki", "example": "en.wikipedia.org", "type": "string" }, "color": { "label": "Graph color", "default": "#00f", "example": "#f00", "type": "string" }, "scale": { "label": "Graph scale", "description": "Scaling could be one of these: linear, log, pow, sqrt, quantile, quantize, and threshold", "default": "linear", "example": "log", "type": "string" }, "max": { "label": "Fix maximum value of the Y axis", "description": "This optional value might be useful to align multiple graphs side-by-side", "default": "auto", "example": "10000", "type": "number" } }, "paramOrder": [ "1", "2", "3", "color", "scale", "max" ], "format": "inline", "description": "Inserts a graph with the page views statistics for the past N days of a page." } </templatedata>