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Bibliographic RecordTotalStatusAbstractHistorical ContextSynopsisCriticism
Garber (1992)20Stub00
Garber (1993)18Stub00
Garcia (2022)20Needs Editing00
Garfield (1985)20Stub00
Gatti (2001)0Stub00
Gaukroger (1995)0Stub00
Gerth and Mills (Eds.) (1946)0Stub00
Giere (2002)100Editor Approved00
Giere (2012)20Stub00
Giere (Ed.) (1992)20Stub00
Giere and Moffatt (2003)20Stub00
Giere and Westfall (Eds.) (1973)0Stub00
Gillies (1993)0Stub00
Godfrey-Smith (2003)20Stub00
Goldman and Blanchard (2016)20Stub00
Golinski (1998)20Stub00
Golinski (2012)20Stub00
Gooding (1985)20Stub00
Goodstein and Lakatos (1962)0Stub00
Gottfried (2008)0Stub00
Grant (2004)0Stub00
Grobler (1990)0Stub00
Gross and Levitt (1994)0Stub00
Guyer (Ed.) (1992)0Stub00
Hacking (1999)0Stub00
Hacking (Ed.) (1981)0Stub00
Haldane (1905)7Stub00
Halvorson (2012)20Stub00
Hanfling (2004)100Editor Approved02
Hanson (1958)20Stub00
Hansson (2017)0Stub00
Harder (2013)0Stub00
Hardwig (1985)0Stub00
Hardwig (1991)7Stub00
Harper (2002)0Stub00
Harper (2011)20Stub00
Harris (2015)20Stub00
Hartle (2006)0Stub00
Harwood (1986)20Stub00
Hatfield (1992)20Stub00
Hatfield (2004)20Stub00
Hatfield (2016)20Stub00
Hempel (1945)20Needs Editing00
Hempel (1965)0Stub00
Hempel (2017)0Stub00
Hempel (Eds.) (1965)0Stub00
Henle, Jaynes and Sullivan (Eds.) (1973)0Stub00
Herring et al. (Eds.) (2019)20Needs Editing00
Herschel (1831)0Stub00
Herschel (1832)0Stub00
Herschel (1833)0Stub00
Herschel (1845)0Stub00
Herschel (1846)0Stub00
Herschel (1849)0Stub00
Herschel (1857)0Stub00
Herschel (1868)0Stub00
Herschel (1869)0Stub00
Hickney (2016)20Stub00
Hiley, Bohman and Shusterman (Eds.) (1991)0Stub00
Hintikka (Ed.) (1975)0Stub00
History of Science Society (2016)20Stub00
Hollis and Lukes (Eds.) (1982)0Stub00
Horwich (Ed.) (1993)0Stub00
Hoyningen-Huene (1993)0Stub00
Hoyningen-Huene (2006)20Stub00
Hoyningen-Huene (2008)0Stub00
Hoyningen-Huene (2013)0Stub00
Hume (1975)0Stub00
Hume (2000)0Stub00
Hume (2007)20Stub00
Hume (2008)20Stub00
Hutchins (1995)6Stub00
Hyman (2007)0Stub00
Héder and Nádasi (Eds.) (2019)20Needs Editing00
Intemann (2008)20Stub00
Isaacson (2007)0Stub00
Janiak (2016)0Stub00
Jardine (2000)20Needs Editing00
Jardine (2003)0Stub00
Jardine (2004)0Stub00
Jolley (1992)8Stub00
Jones (1868)0Stub00
Jones (1986)0Stub00
Kanschik (2009)7Stub00
Kant (1781)0Stub00
Kant (2007)0Stub00
Kim (1999)20Stub00
Kitcher (1993)20Needs Editing00
Kitcher (2016)0Stub00
Klein (2012)0Stub00
Klein (2016)0Stub00
Knorr Cetina (1982)0Stub00
Knorr Cetina (1999)6Stub00
Knorr-Cetina and Mulkay (1983)0Stub00
Knorr-Cetina and Whitley (Eds.) (1981)0Stub00
Kochiras (2014)20Stub00
Kourany (Ed.) (1986)0Stub00
Kruger, Daston and Heidelberger (Eds.) (1981)0Stub00
Kuhn (1949)0Stub00
Kuhn (1950)0Stub00
Kuhn (1951a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1951b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1952a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1952b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1952c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1953a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1953b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1953c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1954a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1954b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1955a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1955b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1955c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1956a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1956b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1956c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1957a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1957b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1958a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1958b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1958c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1958d)0Stub00
Kuhn (1959a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1959b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1959c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1959d)0Stub00
Kuhn (1959e)0Stub00
Kuhn (1960)0Stub00
Kuhn (1961a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1961b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1962a)20Needs Editing00
Kuhn (1962b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1962c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1963a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1964)0Stub00
Kuhn (1966)0Stub00
Kuhn (1967a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1967b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1967c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1967d)0Stub00
Kuhn (1967e)0Stub00
Kuhn (1968a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1968b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1970a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1970b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1970c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1970d)0Stub00
Kuhn (1970e)0Stub00
Kuhn (1971a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1971b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1971c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1972a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1972b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1973a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1973b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1974a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1975a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1975b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1976a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1976b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1976c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1977a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1977b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1978a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1979a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1979b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1979c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1980a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1980b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1980c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1981)0Stub00
Kuhn (1982a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1982b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1983a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1983b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1983c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1984a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1984b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1985)0Stub00
Kuhn (1986)0Stub00
Kuhn (1989a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1989b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1989c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1990)0Stub00
Kuhn (1991)0Stub00
Kuhn (1992a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1992b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1993a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1993b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1996)20Needs Editing00
Kuhn (1999)0Stub00
Kuhn (2000)0Stub00
Kuhn (2012)20Needs Editing00
Kuhn (2022)100Editor Approved00
Kuhn and Heilbron (1969)0Stub00
Kuhn and Kaplan (1959)0Stub00
Kuhn and Van Vleck (1950)0Stub00
Kuhn et al. (1967)0Stub00
Lakatos (1961)1Stub00
Lakatos (1962)0Stub00
Lakatos (1963a)0Stub00
Lakatos (1963b)0Stub00
Lakatos (1967)0Stub00
Lakatos (1968a)0Stub00
Lakatos (1968b)0Stub00
Lakatos (1970)20Needs Editing00
Lakatos (1971a)20Stub00
Lakatos (1971b)0Stub00
Lakatos (1973)0Stub00
Lakatos (1974a)0Stub00
Lakatos (1974b)0Stub00
Lakatos (1974c)0Stub00
Lakatos (1976a)0Stub00
Lakatos (1976b)0Stub00
Lakatos (1978a)20Needs Editing00
Lakatos (1978b)20Needs Editing00
Lakatos (Ed.) (1967)0Stub00
Lakatos (Ed.) (1968)0Stub00
Lakatos and Musgrave (Eds.) (1968)0Stub00
Lakatos and Musgrave (Eds.) (1970)20Needs Editing00
Lakatos and Zahar (1976)0Stub00
Latour (1981)0Stub00
Latour (1983)0Stub00
Latour (1987)20Stub00
Latour (1988a)20Stub00
Latour (1988b)0Stub00
Latour (1993)0Stub00
Latour (1998a)0Stub00
Latour (1998b)0Stub00
Latour (1999)20Stub00
Latour (2003)0Stub00
Latour (2004)0Stub00
Latour (2005)20Stub00
Latour (2009)20Stub00
Latour (Ed.) (1999)12Stub00
Latour and Bastide (1986)0Stub00
Latour and Woolgar (1979)20Stub00
Latour and Woolgar (1986)0Stub00
Laudan (1965)0Stub00
Laudan (1966a)0Stub00
Laudan (1966b)0Stub00
Laudan (1967)0Stub00
Laudan (1968a)0Stub00
Laudan (1968b)0Stub00
Laudan (1968c)0Stub00
Laudan (1969)0Stub00
Laudan (1970a)0Stub00
Laudan (1970b)0Stub00
Laudan (1971a)0Stub00
Laudan (1971b)0Stub00
Laudan (1971c)0Stub00
Laudan (1973)0Stub00
Laudan (1974a)0Stub00
Laudan (1976a)0Stub00
Laudan (1976b)0Stub00
Laudan (1977a)20Needs Editing00
Laudan (1977b)0Stub00
Laudan (1978)0Stub00
Laudan (1979)0Stub00
Laudan (1980)0Stub00
Laudan (1981a)20Needs Editing00
Laudan (1981b)0Stub00
Laudan (1981c)0Stub00
Laudan (1981d)0Stub00
Laudan (1981e)0Stub00
Laudan (1981f)0Stub00
Laudan (1981g)0Stub00
Laudan (1981h)0Stub00
Laudan (1981i)0Stub00
Laudan (1981j)0Stub00
Laudan (1982a)0Stub00
Laudan (1982b)0Stub00
Laudan (1982c)0Stub00
Laudan (1982d)0Stub00
Laudan (1982e)0Stub00
Laudan (1983a)0Stub00
Laudan (1983b)0Stub00
Laudan (1983d)0Stub00
Laudan (1984a)20Stub00
Laudan (1984b)0Stub00
Laudan (1984c)0Stub00
Laudan (1985)0Stub00
Laudan (1986a)0Stub00
Laudan (1986b)0Stub00
Laudan (1987a)0Stub00
Laudan (1987b)0Stub00
Laudan (1988a)0Stub00
Laudan (1988b)0Stub00
Laudan (1988c)0Stub00
Laudan (1989a)0Stub00
Laudan (1989b)0Stub00
Laudan (1989c)0Stub00
Laudan (1989d)0Stub00
Laudan (1990a)0Stub00
Laudan (1990b)0Stub00
Laudan (1990c)0Stub00
Laudan (1990d)0Stub00
Laudan (1990e)0Stub00
Laudan (1991)0Stub00
Laudan (1992)0Stub00
Laudan (1993)0Stub00
Laudan (1995)0Stub00
Laudan (1996)20Stub00
Laudan (1997a)0Stub00
Laudan (1997b)0Stub00
Laudan (1999)0Stub00
Laudan (Ed.) (1983)0Stub00
Laudan and Laudan (1989)0Stub00
Laudan and Leplin (1991)0Stub00
Laudan and Leplin (1992)0Stub00
Laudan, Laudan, and Donovan (1988)20Stub00
Leary (1979)20Stub00
Lee (2015)0Stub00
Leibniz (2017a)20Stub00
Lennon and Dea (2014)20Stub00
Levesley and Fraser (2022)0Needs Editing00
Lindberg (1992)20Needs Editing00
Lindberg (2007)20Needs Editing00
Lindberg (2008)0Stub00
Linsky (Ed.) (1952)0Stub00
Linsky (Ed.) (1970)0Stub00
Lipton (1998)0Stub00
List and Pettit (2006)20Stub00
Locke (2015)20Stub00
Locke (2015a)15Stub00
Locke (2015b)16Stub00
Locke (2015c)9Stub00
Locke (2015d)9Stub00
Loiselle (2017)100Editor Approved00
Longino (1979)20Stub00
Longino (1983a)20Stub00
Longino (1983b)20Stub00
Longino (1987)20Stub00
Longino (1989)20Stub00
Longino (1990)20Stub00
Longino (1991)0Stub00
Longino (1992a)20Stub00
Longino (1992b)20Stub00
Longino (1994a)0Stub00
Longino (1995)20Stub00
Longino (1996)20Stub00
Longino (1997a)0Stub00
Longino (1997b)0Stub00
Longino (2002)20Stub00
Longino (2008)20Stub00
Longino (2010)20Stub00
Longino (2015)100Editor Approved00
Longino (2016a)20Stub00
Longino (2016b)20Stub00
Longino (2019)20Stub00
Look (2017)20Stub00
Losee (1983)0Stub00
Losee (2001)20Stub00
Lovejoy (1888)0Stub00
Ludwig and Jankovic (2015)20Stub00
Lund (2010)20Stub00
Luthy, Murdoch, and Newman (2001b)0Stub00
Luthy, Murdoch, and Newman (Eds.) (2001)0Stub00
Machado-Marques and Patton (2021)100Editor Approved00
Maclaurin (1968)0Stub00
Macleod (2016)0Stub00
Madden (Ed.) (1960)0Stub00
Mandelbrote (2004)20Stub00
Marguerite Lea and Quinton (2017)0Stub00
Markie (2015)0Stub00
Martin (Ed.) (2007)20Stub00
Matheson and Dallmann (2015)0Stub00
Matilal and Charkrabarti (Eds.) (1994)3Stub00
Mauskopf and Schmaltz (2012)20Stub00
Mauskopf and Schmaltz (Eds.) (2012)16Stub00
McDermid (2017)20Stub00
McInerny (2015)0Stub00
McInerny and O'Callaghan (2015)0Stub00
McIntyre (1996)20Needs Editing00
McIntyre (2009)20Needs Editing00
McMullin (1988)0Stub00
McMullin (2001)20Stub00
McMullin (Ed.) (1988)0Stub00
Megerdoomian and Bar-el (2001)0Stub00
Mercuri and Barseghyan (2019)20Needs Editing00
Merton (1938)0Stub00
Mill (1963a)0Stub00
Mill (1963b)0Stub00
Mill (1965a)0Stub00
Mill (1965b)0Stub00
Mill (1967a)0Stub00
Mill (1967b)0Stub00
Mill (1972a)0Stub00
Mill (1972b)0Stub00
Mill (1972c)0Stub00
Mill (1972d)0Stub00
Mill (1974a)0Stub00
Mill (1974b)0Stub00
Mill (1977a)0Stub00
Mill (1977b)0Stub00
Mill (1978)0Stub00
Mill (1979)0Stub00
Mill (1981)0Stub00
Mill (1982)0Stub00
Mill (1984)0Stub00
Mill (1985a)0Stub00
Mill (1985b)0Stub00
Mill (1986a)0Stub00
Mill (1986b)0Stub00
Mill (1986c)0Stub00
Mill (1986d)0Stub00
Mill (1988a)0Stub00
Mill (1988b)0Stub00
Mill (1988c)0Stub00
Mill (1988d)0Stub00
Mill (1989)0Stub00
Mill (1990)0Stub00
Mill (1991)0Stub00
Mill (2003)20Stub00
Miller (2012)20Stub00
Miller (2013)20Stub00
Milton (1994)3Stub00
Mirkin (2018)20Needs Editing00
Mormann (2008)20Stub00
Morris (2001)2Stub00
Morris and Brown (2016)20Stub00
Motterlini (Ed.) (1999)20Needs Editing00
Murzi (2017)0Stub00
Musgrave and Pigden (2016)0Stub00
Nelson and Nelson (1996)20Stub00
Neurath et al. (1955)0Stub00
Neurath et al. (1971)0Stub00
Neurath, Carnap and Morris (Eds.) (1955)0Stub00
Neurath, Carnap and Morris (Eds.) (1971)0Stub00
Newman (2014)20Stub00
Newton (1687)16Stub00
Newton (1704)0Stub00
Newton (1952)0Stub00
Newton (1999)11Stub00
Nichols and Yaffe (2016)20Stub00
Nickles (1986)0Stub00
Nickles (1995)0Stub00
Nickles (2017a)20Stub00
Nickles (2017b)0Stub00
Nickles (Ed.) (1980)0Stub00
Nola (Ed.) (1988)0Stub00
Nola and Sankey (2007)0Stub00
Nola and Sankey (Eds.) (2000)0Stub00
Norton (2008)0Stub00
Norton (2009)20Stub00
Norton and Taylor (Eds.) (2009)20Stub00
O'Connor and Yu Wong (2015)20Stub00
Oh (2021)100Editor Approved00
Okasha, de Regt, and Hartmann (Eds.) (2009)0Stub00
Olby et al. (Eds.) (1990)0Stub00
Olson (1975)0Stub00
Oppy (1996)20Stub00
Oreskes (2004)0Stub00
Ortony (Ed.) (1979)0Stub00
Osbeck and Nersessian (2014)0Stub00
Osler (1970)8Stub00
Osler (2001)0Stub00
Overgaard (2017)100Editor Approved00
Overgaard and Loiselle (2016)100Editor Approved00
Owen (2009)20Stub00
Palermos (2016)20Stub00
Palermos and Pritchard (2016)20Stub00
Paley (1809)20Stub00
Palider (2019)20Needs Editing00
Palider (2022)20Needs Editing00
Palider et al. (2021)20Needs Editing00
Pandey (2023)100Editor Approved00
Patton (2019)20Needs Editing00
Patton (2022)20Needs Editing00
Patton and Al-Zayadi (2021)100Editor Approved00
Patton, Overgaard, and Barseghyan (2017)100Editor Approved00
Peirce (1878)20Stub00
Peirce (1958)20Stub00
Pitt (Ed.) (1985)10Stub00
Popper (1940)0Stub00
Popper (1944a)0Stub00
Popper (1944b)0Stub00
Popper (1945a)0Stub00
Popper (1945b)0Stub00
Popper (1945c)0Stub00
Popper (1946)0Stub00
Popper (1947)0Stub00
Popper (1947b)0Stub00
Popper (1959)11Stub00
Popper (1963)20Stub00
Popper (1972)20Stub00
Popper (1974)0Stub00
Popper (2002a)20Needs Editing00
Popper (2002b)20Needs Editing00
Porter (1995)5Stub00
Preston (1997)20Stub00
Preston (2016)0Stub00
Priest, Tanaka, and Weber (2015)20Stub00
Psillos and Curd (Eds.) (2008)0Stub00
Quine (1951)0Stub00
Quine (1953)0Stub00
Quine, Carnap and Creath (Ed.) (1991)0Stub00
Rawleigh (2018)20Stub00
Rawleigh (2022)20Needs Editing00
Reichenbach (1938)0Stub00