Property:Citation text

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Fisher, Saul. (2014) Pierre Gassendi. In [[Zalta (Ed.) (2016)]]. Retrieved from  +
Fleck, Ludwik. (1935) Scientific Observation and Perception in General. In [[Cohen and Schnelle (Eds.) (1986)]], 59-78.  +
Fleck, Ludwik. (1935) ''Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache [Genesis and Development of Scientific Fact].'' Schwabe.  +
Fleck, Ludwik. (1935) Zur Frage der Grundlagen der Medizinischen Erkenntnis [On the Question of the Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge]. ''Klinische Wochenschrift'' 14 (35), 1255-1259.  +
Fleck, Ludwik. (1936) The Problem of Epistemology. In [[Cohen and Schnelle (Eds.) (1986)]], 79-112.  +
Fleck, Ludwik. (1979) ''Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact.'' University of Chicago Press.  +
Fleck, Ludwik. (1983) ''Erfahrung und Tatsache [Cognition and Fact].'' Suhrkamp.  +
Fontenrose, Robert. (1973) In Search of Vulcan. ''Journal for the History of Astronomy'' 4 (3), 145-158.  +
Forman, Paul. (1971) Weimar culture, causality, and quantum theory, 1918-1927: Adaptation by German physicists and mathematicians to a hostile intellectual environment. ''Historical studies in the physical sciences'' 3, 1-115.  +
Frangsmyr, Tore. (1974) Swedish Science in the Eighteenth Century. ''History of Science'' 7, 29-42.  +
Franklin, Allan. (1993) ''The Rise and Fall of the Fifth Force: Discovery, Pursuit, and Justification in Modern Physics.'' American Institute of Physics.  +
Fraser, Patrick. (2022) Episodic Rationality in Scientific Change. In [[Barseghyan et al. (Eds.) (2022)]], 105-121.  +
Fraser, Patrick and Sarwar, Ameer. (2018) A Compatibility Law and the Classification of Theory Change. ''[[Journal of Scientonomy|Scientonomy]]'' 2, 67-82. Retrieved from  +
Frede, Dorothea and Reis, Burkhard. (Eds.). (2009) ''Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy.'' Walter de Gruyter.  +
Friedman, Michael. (1992) Causal Laws and Natural Science. In [[Guyer (Ed.) (1992)]], 161-199.  +
Friedman, Michael. (2002) Kant, Kuhn and the Rationality of Science. ''Philosophy of Science'' 69 (2), 171-190.  +
Friedman, Michael. (2008) Introduction: Carnap’s revolution in philosophy. In [[Friedman and Creath (Eds.) (2008)]], 1-18.  +
Friedman, Michael and Creath, Richard. (Eds.). (2008) ''The Cambridge Companion to Carnap.'' Cambridge University Press.  +
Friesen, Izzy and Patton, Paul. (2023) Discipline Dynamics of Chymistry and Rejection of Alchemy. ''[[Journal of Scientonomy|Scientonomy]]'' 5, 93-110. Retrieved from  +
Friesen, Izzy ''et al''. (2023) Discussion of Suggested Modifications: Scientonomy Workshop, February 25, 2023. ''[[Journal of Scientonomy|Scientonomy]]'' 5, D1-D32. Retrieved from  +