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This is a property of type Text. It links to pages that use the form .

Showing 100 pages using this property.
What other classes is the class of [[Theory|theory]] disjoint with, i.e. classes that don't share any instances with [[Theory|theory]]?  +
What other classes is the class of [[Theory Acceptance|theory acceptance]] disjoint with, i.e. classes that don't share any instances with [[Theory Acceptance|theory acceptance]]?  +
What other classes is the class of [[Theory Decay|theory decay]] disjoint with, i.e. classes that don't share any instances with [[Theory Decay|theory decay]]?  +
What other classes is the class of [[Theory Pursuit|theory pursuit]] disjoint with, i.e. classes that don't share any instances with [[Theory Pursuit|theory pursuit]]?  +
What other classes is the class of [[Theory Use|theory use]] disjoint with, i.e. classes that don't share any instances with [[Theory Use|theory use]]?  +
What other classes is the class of [[Tool Reliance|tool reliance]] disjoint with, i.e. classes that don't share any instances with [[Tool Reliance|tool reliance]]?  +
What is '''element decay'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''employed method?''' How should it be ''defined?''  +
What is '''epistemic action'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''epistemic agent'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''epistemic community'''? How should it be ''defined''? I.e. how is it different from ''non-epistemic community''?  +
Can an epistemic community be the sub-community of a non-epistemic community?  +
What is '''epistemic element'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''epistemic presupposition'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''epistemic stance'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What types of epistemic stances can be taken by epistemic agents towards definitions?  +
What types of epistemic stances can be taken by epistemic agents towards descriptive theories?  +
What types of [[Epistemic Stance|epistemic stances]] can be taken by epistemic agents towards [[Epistemic Element|epistemic elements]]?  +
What types of epistemic stances can be taken by epistemic agents towards methods?  +
What types of epistemic stances can be taken by epistemic agents towards normative theories?  +
What types of epistemic stances can be taken by epistemic agents towards questions?  +
What types of epistemic stances can be taken by epistemic agents towards theories?  +
What is '''epistemic tool'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''error'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
Does an [[Acceptance Criteria|acceptance criteria]] exist?  +
Does [[Authority Delegation|authority delegation]] exist?  +
Does a [[Community|community]] exist?  +
Does [[Compatibility|compatibility]] exist?  +
Does a [[Compatibility Criteria|compatibility criteria]] exist?  +
Does a [[Definition|definition]] exist?  +
Do delayed rejections exist?  +
Does a [[Demarcation Criteria|demarcation criteria]] exist?  +
Does a [[Descriptive Theory|descriptive theory]] exist?  +
Does a [[Discipline|discipline]] exist?  +
Does a [[Discipline Acceptance|discipline acceptance]] exist?  +
Does [[Element Decay|element decay]] exist?  +
Does an [[Epistemic Action|epistemic action]] exist?  +
Does an [[Epistemic Agent|epistemic agent]] exist?  +
Does an [[Epistemic Community|epistemic community]] exist?  +
Does an [[Epistemic Element|epistemic element]] exist?  +
Does an [[Epistemic Presupposition|epistemic presupposition]] exist?  +
Does an [[Epistemic Stance|epistemic stance]] exist?  +
Does an [[Epistemic Tool|epistemic tool]] exist?  +
Does a [[Global Epistemic Action|global epistemic action]] exist?  +
Does [[Hierarchical Authority Delegation|hierarchical authority delegation]] exist?  +
Does an [[Individual Epistemic Agent|individual epistemic agent]] exist?  +
Does [[Local Action Availability|local action availability]] exist?  +
Does a [[Local Epistemic Action|local epistemic action]] exist?  +
Does a [[Logical Presupposition|logical presupposition]] exist?  +
Does a [[Method|method]] exist?  +
Do method hierarchies exist?  +
Does a [[Method Hierarchy|method hierarchy]] exist?  +
Does a [[Model|model]] exist?  +
Does a [[Mosaic Merge|mosaic merge]] exist?  +
Does a [[Mosaic Split|mosaic split]] exist?  +
Does [[Norm Employment|norm employment]] exist?  +
Does a [[Normative Theory|normative theory]] exist?  +
Does a [[Question|question]] exist?  +
Does [[Question Acceptance|question acceptance]] exist?  +
Does a [[Reason|reason]] exist?  +
Does a [[Scientific Mosaic|scientific mosaic]] exist?  +
Does a [[Scientificity|scientificity]] exist?  +
Does a [[Theory|theory]] exist?  +
Does [[Theory Acceptance|theory acceptance]] exist?  +
Does [[Theory Decay|theory decay]] exist?  +
Does a [[Theory Pursuit|theory pursuit]] exist?  +
Does [[Theory Use|theory use]] exist?  +
Does [[Tool Reliance|tool reliance]] exist?  +
What is '''explicable-implicit''' knowledge? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''explicit''' knowledge? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''global epistemic action'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''group'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''hierarchical authority delegation'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
Is there a hierarchy of theories that determines hierarchical authority delegation, hierarchical anomaly-tolerance, compatibility criteria or theory acceptance criteria?  +
What is '''history of scientific change?''' How should it be ''defined?''  +
Is there a difference between implementation and employment of a method? Is the mechanism of implementation the same as the mechanism of employment?  +
What is '''implication'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''implicit''' knowledge? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What types of historical markers can be taken as indicative that a certain group constituted an epistemic community at a certain time community?  +
What are the historical indicators that an assessment by the demarcation criteria was conclusive or inconclusive? Does the lack of agreement or evidence count in favor of inconclusive assessment outcome?  +
What indicators enable us to identify a historical case of inconclusive theory assessment?  +
What kind of historical markers could be taken as indicators that a method was employed by an agent at a given time?  +
What type of historical markers can be taken as indicative that a question was accepted by an agent at a given time?  +
What types of historical markers can be taken as indicative that a theory was accepted by an agent at a given time?  +
What are the historical indicators of a theory’s scientificity? How can observational scientonomists establish that such-and-such a theory was indeed considered scientific/unscientific by a certain epistemic agent at a certain time?  +
What are the methodological indicators of violations of scientific change?  +
What is '''individual epistemic agent'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''individual level?''' How should it be ''defined?''  +
How is the communal mosaic related to the mosaics of the members of the community?  +
What is '''inexplicable''' knowledge? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What can an observational scientonomist ''infer'' about a theory's assessment outcome from the theory's acceptance/unacceptance?  +
Is [[Element Decay|element decay]] a scientonomic phenomenon?  +
What is '''local action availability'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''local epistemic action'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
What is '''logical presupposition'''? How should it be ''defined''?  +
Under what conditions can two elements ''coexist'' in the same mosaic?  +
What is the mechanism of discipline acceptance? How do disciplines become accepted?  +
What is the mechanism of discipline rejection? How do disciplines become rejected?  +
When epistemic agent discover that a theory was accepted erroneously, they often reject the theory; the theory rejection theorem suggests that those propositions are replaced by something. What are they replaced by?  +
How does a [[Local Epistemic Action|local epistemic action]] become available to an epistemic agent? What should happen for a [[Local Epistemic Action|local epistemic action]] to become part of the repertoire of an epistemic agent?  +