
From Encyclopedia of Scientonomy
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Term Community Definition Upper Class Existence Subtypes Supertypes Associations Disjointness
Acceptance Criteria Scientonomy Acceptance Criteria (Barseghyan-2015): Criteria for determining whether a theory is acceptable or unacceptable. Endurant Exists An acceptance criterion is always part of some method.
Accidental Group Scientonomy Accidental Group (Overgaard-2017): A group that does not have a collective intentionality. Endurant Exists Group
Authority Delegation Scientonomy Authority Delegation (Patton-2019): Epistemic agent A is said to be delegating authority over question x to epistemic agent B iff (1) agent A accepts that agent B is an expert on question x and (2) agent A will accept a theory answering question x if agent B says so. Association Exists On the basis of cardinality: Singular Authority Delegation and Multiple Authority Delegation. On the basis of reciprocity: Mutual Authority Delegation and One-sided Authority Delegation.
Community Scientonomy Community (Overgaard-2017): A group that has a collective intentionality. Endurant Exists Group A community can delegate authority to another community.
Compatibility Scientonomy Compatibility (Fraser-Sarwar-2018): The ability of two elements to coexist in the same mosaic. Perdurant Exists Epistemic Stance
Compatibility Criteria Scientonomy Compatibility Criteria (Fraser-Sarwar-2018): Criteria for determining whether two elements are compatible or incompatible. Endurant Exists A compatibility criterion is always part of some method.
Core Question Scientonomy Core Question (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021): A core question of a discipline is a question identified in the discipline’s delineating theory as definitive of the discipline. Endurant Exists
Core Theory Scientonomy Core Theory (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021): A core theory of a discipline is a theory presupposed by the discipline’s core questions. Endurant Exists
Definition Scientonomy Definition (Barseghyan-2018): A statement of the meaning of a term. Endurant Exists Theory
Delineating Theory Scientonomy Delineating Theory (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021): A second-order theory identifying the set of core questions of a discipline. Endurant Exists A discipline has one delineating theory.
Demarcation Criteria Scientonomy Demarcation Criteria (Barseghyan-2015): Criteria for determining whether a theory is scientific or unscientific. Endurant Exists A demarcation criterion is always part of some method.
Descriptive Theory Scientonomy Descriptive Theory (Sebastien-2016): A set of propositions that attempts to describe something. Endurant Exists Theory
Discipline Scientonomy Discipline (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021): A discipline is characterized by (1) a non-empty set of core questions Q and (2) the delineating theory stating that Q are the core questions of the discipline. Endurant Exists A discipline can have any number of theories. Each theory can be included into any number disciplines. A discipline has at least one core question. A discipline has one delineating theory. A discipline has at least one question. Each question can be included in any number disciplines.
Discipline Acceptance Scientonomy Discipline Acceptance (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021): A discipline is said to be accepted by an epistemic agent if that agent accepts the core questions specified in the discipline’s delineating theory as well as the delineating theory itself. Perdurant Exists
Element Decay Scientonomy Perdurant Theory Decay
Epistemic Action Scientonomy Perdurant
Epistemic Agent Scientonomy Epistemic Agent (Patton-2019): An agent capable of taking epistemic stances towards epistemic elements. Endurant Exists Epistemic Community and Individual Epistemic Agent An epistemic agent can delegate authority to another epistemic agent. An epistemic agent can rely on any number of epistemic tools, while an epistemic tool can be relied on by one-to-many agent.
Epistemic Community Scientonomy Endurant Exists Epistemic Agent
Epistemic Element Scientonomy Endurant Exists Question and Theory
Epistemic Presupposition Scientonomy Epistemic Presupposition (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021): A theory is said to be an epistemic presupposition of a question for some agent, iff the agent accepts that accepting any direct answer to the question will necessitate accepting the theory. Association Exists
Epistemic Stance Scientonomy Perdurant Exists Theory Use, Theory Pursuit, Question Acceptance, Norm Employment, Compatibility and Theory Acceptance
Epistemic Tool Scientonomy Epistemic Tool (Patton-2019): A physical object or system is an epistemic tool for an epistemic agent iff there is a procedure by which the tool can provide an acceptable source of knowledge for answering some question under the employed method of that agent. Endurant Exists An epistemic agent can rely on any number of epistemic tools, while an epistemic tool can be relied on by one-to-many agent.
Error Scientonomy Error (Machado-Marques-Patton-2021): An epistemic agent is said to commit an error if the agent accepts a theory that should not have been accepted given that agent’s employed method. Perdurant Exists
Explicable-Implicit Scientonomy Explicable-Implicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018): Propositional knowledge that hasn’t been openly formulated by the agent. Quality Implicit
Explicit Scientonomy Explicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018): Propositional knowledge that has been openly formulated by the agent. Quality
Global Epistemic Action Scientonomy Perdurant
Group Scientonomy Group (Overgaard-2017): Two or more people who share any characteristic. Endurant Exists Community and Accidental Group
Hierarchical Authority Delegation Scientonomy Hierarchical Authority Delegation (Patton-2019): A sub-type of multiple authority delegation where different epistemic agents are delegated different degrees of authority over question x. Association Exists Multiple Authority Delegation
History of Scientific Change Scientonomy History of Scientific Change (Barseghyan-2015): A descriptive discipline that attempts to trace and explain individual changes in the scientific mosaic. Endurant
Implicit Scientonomy Implicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018): Not explicit. Quality Explicable-Implicit and Inexplicable
Individual Epistemic Agent Scientonomy Endurant Exists Epistemic Agent
Individual Level Scientonomy Individual Level (Barseghyan-2015): The level of the beliefs of the individual scientist about the world and the rules she employs in theory assessment. Endurant
Inexplicable Scientonomy Inexplicable (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018): Non-propositional knowledge, i.e. knowledge that cannot, even in principle, be formulated as a set of propositions. Quality Implicit
Local Action Availability Scientonomy Endurant
Local Epistemic Action Scientonomy Perdurant
Logical Presupposition Scientonomy Logical Presupposition (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021): A theory is said to be a logical presupposition of a question, iff the theory is logically entailed by any direct answer to the question. Association Exists
Method Scientonomy Method (Barseghyan-2018): A set of criteria for theory evaluation. Endurant Exists Substantive Method and Procedural Method Normative Theory An acceptance criterion is always part of some method. A compatibility criterion is always part of some method. A demarcation criterion is always part of some method.
Method Hierarchy Scientonomy Endurant
Methodology Scientonomy Methodology (Barseghyan-2018): A normative discipline that formulates the rules which ought to be employed in theory assessment. Endurant Exists
Model Scientonomy Endurant
Mosaic Merge Scientonomy Mosaic Merge (Barseghyan-2015): A scientific change where two mosaics turn into one united mosaic. Endurant Exists
Mosaic Split Scientonomy Mosaic Split (Barseghyan-2015): A scientific change where one mosaic transforms into two or more mosaics. Perdurant Exists
Multiple Authority Delegation Scientonomy Multiple Authority Delegation (Patton-2019): Epistemic agent A is said to engage in a relationship of multiple authority delegation over question x iff A delegates authority over question x to more than one epistemic agent. Association Exists Hierarchical Authority Delegation and Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation Authority Delegation
Mutual Authority Delegation Scientonomy Mutual Authority Delegation (Patton-2019): Epistemic agents A and B are said to be in a relationship of mutual authority delegation iff A delegates authority over question x to B, and B delegates authority over question y to A. Association Exists Authority Delegation
Non-Epistemic Community Scientonomy Endurant
Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation Scientonomy Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation (Patton-2019): A sub-type of multiple authority delegation where different epistemic agents are delegated the same degree of authority over question x. Association Exists Multiple Authority Delegation
Norm Employment Scientonomy Norm Employment (Barseghyan-2018): A norm is said to be employed if its requirements constitute the actual expectations of an epistemic agent. Perdurant Exists Epistemic Stance
Normative Theory Scientonomy Normative Theory (Sebastien-2016): A set of propositions that attempts to prescribe something. Endurant Exists Method Theory
One-sided Authority Delegation Scientonomy One-sided Authority Delegation (Patton-2019): Epistemic agents A and B are said to be in a relationship of one-sided authority delegation iff A delegates authority over question x to B, but B doesn’t delegate any authority to A. Association Exists Authority Delegation
Outcome Inconclusive Scientonomy Outcome Inconclusive (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017): It is unclear whether or not the requirements of the method employed at the time are met. Quality
Outcome Not Satisfied Scientonomy Outcome Not Satisfied (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017): The theory is deemed to conclusively not meet the requirements of the method employed at the time. Quality
Outcome Satisfied Scientonomy Outcome Satisfied (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017): The theory is deemed to conclusively meet the requirements of the method employed at the time. Quality
Procedural Method Scientonomy Procedural Method (Barseghyan-2015): A method which doesn't presuppose any contingent propositions. Endurant Exists Method
Question Scientonomy Question (Rawleigh-2018): A topic of inquiry. Endurant Exists Epistemic Element A discipline has at least one core question. A discipline has at least one question. Each question can be included in any number disciplines. A question can have subquestions. A question can presuppose theories. A theory is an answer to a question.
Question Acceptance Scientonomy Question Acceptance (Rawleigh-2018): A question is said to be accepted if it is taken as a legitimate topic of inquiry. Perdurant Exists Epistemic Stance
Question Pursuit Scientonomy Perdurant
Reason Scientonomy Endurant
Scientific Change Scientonomy Scientific Change (Barseghyan-2015): Any change in the scientific mosaic, i.e. a transition from one accepted theory to another or from one employed method to another. Perdurant Exists
Scientific Community Scientonomy Endurant Exists
Scientific Mosaic Scientonomy Scientific Mosaic (Rawleigh-2022): A model of all epistemic elements accepted or employed by the epistemic agent. Endurant Exists
Singular Authority Delegation Scientonomy Singular Authority Delegation (Patton-2019): Epistemic agent A is said to engage in a relationship of singular authority delegation over question x iff A delegates authority over question x to exactly one epistemic agent. Association Exists Authority Delegation
Social Level Scientonomy Social Level (Barseghyan-2015): The level of the scientific community and its mosaic of accepted theories and employed methods. Endurant
Sociocultural Factors Scientonomy Endurant Exists
Subdiscipline Scientonomy Subdiscipline (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021): A discipline A is a subdiscipline of another discipline B, iff the set of questions of A, QA, is a proper subset of the questions of B, QB, i.e. QAQB. Endurant Exists
Subquestion Scientonomy Subquestion (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021): A question Q is a subquestion of another question Q’, iff any direct answer to Q is also a partial answer to Q’. Association Exists
Substantive Method Scientonomy Substantive Method (Barseghyan-2015): A method which presupposes at least one contingent proposition. Endurant Exists Method
Theory Scientonomy Theory (Sebastien-2016): A set of propositions. Endurant Exists Normative Theory, Descriptive Theory and Definition Epistemic Element A discipline can have any number of theories. Each theory can be included into any number disciplines. A question can presuppose theories. A theory is an answer to a question.
Theory Acceptance Scientonomy Theory Acceptance (Barseghyan-2018): A theory is said to be accepted by an epistemic agent if it is taken as the best available answer to its respective question. Perdurant Exists Epistemic Stance
Theory Decay Scientonomy Perdurant Element Decay
Theory Pursuit Scientonomy Theory Pursuit (Barseghyan-2015): A theory is said to be pursued if it is considered worthy of further development. Perdurant Exists Epistemic Stance
Theory Use Scientonomy Theory Use (Barseghyan-2015): A theory is said to be used if it is taken as an adequate tool for practical application. Perdurant Exists Epistemic Stance
Tool Reliance Scientonomy Tool Reliance (Patton-2019): An epistemic agent is said to rely on an epistemic tool iff there is a procedure through which the tool can provide an acceptable source of knowledge for answering some question under the employed method of that agent. Association Exists

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