
From Encyclopedia of Scientonomy
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Template:SetTopicCurrentAnswer Temp

Acceptance CriteriaAcceptance CriteriaAcceptance Criteria (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Accepted Methodology and Theory PursuitAccepted Methodology and Theory PursuitNoneNone
Accidental GroupAccidental GroupAccidental Group (Overgaard-2017)DirectComplete
AnomaliesAnomaliesAssessment of Scientonomy - Relevant Facts (Barseghyan-2015)SuperanswerComplete
Applicability of Scientonomy to Theories as ModelsApplicability of Scientonomy to Theories as ModelsNoneNone
Applicability of the Laws of Scientific Change to IndividualsApplicability of the Laws of Scientific Change to IndividualsNoneNone
Applicability of the Laws of Scientific ChangeApplicability of the Laws of Scientific ChangeNoneNone
Application of Scientonomy to Other FieldsApplication of Scientonomy to Other FieldsNoneNone
Application of Scientonomy to Philosophy of ScienceApplication of Scientonomy to Philosophy of ScienceNoneNone
Assessment of Scientonomy - MethodAssessment of Scientonomy - MethodNoneNone
Assessment of Scientonomy - Relevant FactsAssessment of Scientonomy - Relevant FactsAssessment of Scientonomy - Relevant Facts (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Assessment of ScientonomyAssessment of ScientonomyAssessment of Scientonomy - Relevant Facts (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Associations of Acceptance CriteriaAssociations of Acceptance CriteriaAcceptance Criteria are Part of Method (Barseghyan-2015)DirectPartial
Associations of Accidental GroupAssociations of Accidental GroupNoneNone
Associations of Authority DelegationAssociations of Authority DelegationNoneNone
Associations of CommunityAssociations of CommunityCommunity Can Delegate Authority to Another Community (Loiselle-Overgaard-2016)DirectPartial
Associations of Compatibility CriteriaAssociations of Compatibility CriteriaCompatibility Criteria are Part of Method (Barseghyan-2015)DirectPartial
Associations of CompatibilityAssociations of CompatibilityNoneNone
Associations of Core QuestionAssociations of Core QuestionNoneNone
Associations of Core TheoryAssociations of Core TheoryNoneNone
Associations of DefinitionAssociations of DefinitionNoneNone
Associations of Delineating TheoryAssociations of Delineating TheoryDiscipline Has Delineating Theory (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)DirectPartial
Associations of Demarcation CriteriaAssociations of Demarcation CriteriaDemarcation Criteria are Part of Method (Barseghyan-2015)DirectPartial
Associations of Descriptive TheoryAssociations of Descriptive TheoryNoneNone
Associations of Discipline AcceptanceAssociations of Discipline AcceptanceNoneNone
Associations of DisciplineAssociations of DisciplineDiscipline Can Have Theories (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)
Discipline Has Core Questions (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)
Discipline Has Delineating Theory (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)
Discipline Has Questions (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)
Associations of Element DecayAssociations of Element DecayNoneNone
Associations of Epistemic ActionAssociations of Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Associations of Epistemic AgentAssociations of Epistemic AgentEpistemic Agent Can Delegate Authority to Another Epistemic Agent (Patton-2019)
Epistemic Agent Can Rely on Epistemic Tools (Patton-2019)
Associations of Epistemic CommunityAssociations of Epistemic CommunityNoneNone
Associations of Epistemic ElementAssociations of Epistemic ElementNoneNone
Associations of Epistemic PresuppositionAssociations of Epistemic PresuppositionNoneNone
Associations of Epistemic StanceAssociations of Epistemic StanceNoneNone
Associations of Epistemic ToolAssociations of Epistemic ToolEpistemic Agent Can Rely on Epistemic Tools (Patton-2019)DirectPartial
Associations of ErrorAssociations of ErrorNoneNone
Associations of Explicable-ImplicitAssociations of Explicable-ImplicitNoneNone
Associations of Global Epistemic ActionAssociations of Global Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Associations of GroupAssociations of GroupNoneNone
Associations of Hierarchical Authority DelegationAssociations of Hierarchical Authority DelegationNoneNone
Associations of ImplicitAssociations of ImplicitNoneNone
Associations of Individual Epistemic AgentAssociations of Individual Epistemic AgentNoneNone
Associations of Local Action AvailabilityAssociations of Local Action AvailabilityNoneNone
Associations of Local Epistemic ActionAssociations of Local Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Associations of Logical PresuppositionAssociations of Logical PresuppositionNoneNone
Associations of Method HierarchyAssociations of Method HierarchyNoneNone
Associations of MethodAssociations of MethodAcceptance Criteria are Part of Method (Barseghyan-2015)
Compatibility Criteria are Part of Method (Barseghyan-2015)
Demarcation Criteria are Part of Method (Barseghyan-2015)
Associations of MethodologyAssociations of MethodologyNoneNone
Associations of ModelAssociations of ModelNoneNone
Associations of Mosaic MergeAssociations of Mosaic MergeNoneNone
Associations of Mosaic SplitAssociations of Mosaic SplitNoneNone
Associations of Multiple Authority DelegationAssociations of Multiple Authority DelegationNoneNone
Associations of Non-Epistemic CommunityAssociations of Non-Epistemic CommunityNoneNone
Associations of Non-Hierarchical Authority DelegationAssociations of Non-Hierarchical Authority DelegationNoneNone
Associations of Norm EmploymentAssociations of Norm EmploymentNoneNone
Associations of Normative TheoryAssociations of Normative TheoryNoneNone
Associations of Procedural MethodAssociations of Procedural MethodNoneNone
Associations of Question AcceptanceAssociations of Question AcceptanceNoneNone
Associations of Question PursuitAssociations of Question PursuitNoneNone
Associations of QuestionAssociations of QuestionDiscipline Has Core Questions (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)
Discipline Has Questions (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)
Question Can Have Subquestions (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)
Question Can Presuppose Theories (Barseghyan-Levesley-2019)
Theory Answers Question (Rawleigh-2018)
Associations of ReasonAssociations of ReasonNoneNone
Associations of Scientific ChangeAssociations of Scientific ChangeNoneNone
Associations of Scientific CommunityAssociations of Scientific CommunityNoneNone
Associations of Scientific MosaicAssociations of Scientific MosaicNoneNone
Associations of ScientonomyAssociations of ScientonomyNoneNone
Associations of Singular Authority DelegationAssociations of Singular Authority DelegationNoneNone
Associations of Sociocultural FactorsAssociations of Sociocultural FactorsNoneNone
Associations of SubdisciplineAssociations of SubdisciplineNoneNone
Associations of SubquestionAssociations of SubquestionNoneNone
Associations of Substantive MethodAssociations of Substantive MethodNoneNone
Associations of Theory AcceptanceAssociations of Theory AcceptanceNoneNone
Associations of Theory DecayAssociations of Theory DecayNoneNone
Associations of Theory PursuitAssociations of Theory PursuitNoneNone
Associations of Theory UseAssociations of Theory UseNoneNone
Associations of TheoryAssociations of TheoryDiscipline Can Have Theories (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)
Question Can Presuppose Theories (Barseghyan-Levesley-2019)
Theory Answers Question (Rawleigh-2018)
Associations of Tool RelianceAssociations of Tool RelianceNoneNone
Authority DelegationAuthority DelegationAuthority Delegation (Patton-2019)DirectComplete
Changeability of the Scientific MosaicChangeability of the Scientific MosaicDogmatism No Theory Change theorem (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
CommunityCommunityCommunity (Overgaard-2017)DirectComplete
Compatibility CriteriaCompatibility CriteriaCompatibility Criteria (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)DirectComplete
Compatibility of Mosaic ElementsCompatibility of Mosaic ElementsCompatibility Corollary (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)DirectComplete
CompatibilityCompatibilityCompatibility (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)DirectComplete
Conclusive Theory AssessmentConclusive Theory AssessmentTheory Assessment Outcomes (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017)SuperanswerComplete
Core QuestionCore QuestionCore Question (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)DirectComplete
Core TheoryCore TheoryCore Theory (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)DirectComplete
Deducibility in Method EmploymentDeducibility in Method EmploymentThe Law of Method Employment (Rawleigh-2022)SuperanswerComplete
DefinitionDefinitionDefinition (Barseghyan-2018)DirectComplete
Delegation of Authority to ArtifactsDelegation of Authority to ArtifactsNoneNone
Delegation of Authority to IndividualsDelegation of Authority to IndividualsNoneNone
Delegation of Authority to Past CommunitiesDelegation of Authority to Past CommunitiesNoneNone
Delineating TheoryDelineating TheoryDelineating Theory (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)DirectComplete
Demarcation CriteriaDemarcation CriteriaDemarcation Criteria (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Deriving Methods from an Empty SetDeriving Methods from an Empty SetNoneNone
Descriptive TheoryDescriptive TheoryDescriptive Theory (Sebastien-2016)DirectComplete
Determinism vs. Underdeterminism in Scientific ChangeDeterminism vs. Underdeterminism in Scientific ChangeScientific Underdeterminism theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Underdetermined Method Change theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Underdetermined Theory Change theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Discipline AcceptanceDiscipline AcceptanceDiscipline Acceptance (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)DirectComplete
DisciplineDisciplineDiscipline (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)DirectComplete
Disjointness of Acceptance CriteriaDisjointness of Acceptance CriteriaNoneNone
Disjointness of Accidental GroupDisjointness of Accidental GroupNoneNone
Disjointness of Authority DelegationDisjointness of Authority DelegationNoneNone
Disjointness of CommunityDisjointness of CommunityNoneNone
Disjointness of Compatibility CriteriaDisjointness of Compatibility CriteriaNoneNone
Disjointness of CompatibilityDisjointness of CompatibilityNoneNone
Disjointness of Core QuestionDisjointness of Core QuestionNoneNone
Disjointness of Core TheoryDisjointness of Core TheoryNoneNone
Disjointness of DefinitionDisjointness of DefinitionNoneNone
Disjointness of Delineating TheoryDisjointness of Delineating TheoryNoneNone
Disjointness of Demarcation CriteriaDisjointness of Demarcation CriteriaNoneNone
Disjointness of Descriptive TheoryDisjointness of Descriptive TheoryNoneNone
Disjointness of Discipline AcceptanceDisjointness of Discipline AcceptanceNoneNone
Disjointness of DisciplineDisjointness of DisciplineNoneNone
Disjointness of Element DecayDisjointness of Element DecayNoneNone
Disjointness of Epistemic ActionDisjointness of Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Disjointness of Epistemic AgentDisjointness of Epistemic AgentNoneNone
Disjointness of Epistemic CommunityDisjointness of Epistemic CommunityNoneNone
Disjointness of Epistemic ElementDisjointness of Epistemic ElementNoneNone
Disjointness of Epistemic PresuppositionDisjointness of Epistemic PresuppositionNoneNone
Disjointness of Epistemic StanceDisjointness of Epistemic StanceNoneNone
Disjointness of Epistemic ToolDisjointness of Epistemic ToolNoneNone
Disjointness of ErrorDisjointness of ErrorNoneNone
Disjointness of Explicable-ImplicitDisjointness of Explicable-ImplicitNoneNone
Disjointness of ExplicitDisjointness of ExplicitNoneNone
Disjointness of Global Epistemic ActionDisjointness of Global Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Disjointness of GroupDisjointness of GroupNoneNone
Disjointness of Hierarchical Authority DelegationDisjointness of Hierarchical Authority DelegationNoneNone
Disjointness of ImplicitDisjointness of ImplicitNoneNone
Disjointness of Individual Epistemic AgentDisjointness of Individual Epistemic AgentNoneNone
Disjointness of InexplicableDisjointness of InexplicableNoneNone
Disjointness of Local Action AvailabilityDisjointness of Local Action AvailabilityNoneNone
Disjointness of Local Epistemic ActionDisjointness of Local Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Disjointness of Logical PresuppositionDisjointness of Logical PresuppositionNoneNone
Disjointness of Method HierarchyDisjointness of Method HierarchyNoneNone
Disjointness of MethodDisjointness of MethodNoneNone
Disjointness of MethodologyDisjointness of MethodologyNoneNone
Disjointness of ModelDisjointness of ModelNoneNone
Disjointness of Mosaic MergeDisjointness of Mosaic MergeNoneNone
Disjointness of Mosaic SplitDisjointness of Mosaic SplitNoneNone
Disjointness of Multiple Authority DelegationDisjointness of Multiple Authority DelegationNoneNone
Disjointness of Non-Epistemic CommunityDisjointness of Non-Epistemic CommunityNoneNone
Disjointness of Non-Hierarchical Authority DelegationDisjointness of Non-Hierarchical Authority DelegationNoneNone
Disjointness of Norm EmploymentDisjointness of Norm EmploymentNoneNone
Disjointness of Normative TheoryDisjointness of Normative TheoryNoneNone
Disjointness of Procedural MethodDisjointness of Procedural MethodNoneNone
Disjointness of Question AcceptanceDisjointness of Question AcceptanceNoneNone
Disjointness of Question PursuitDisjointness of Question PursuitNoneNone
Disjointness of QuestionDisjointness of QuestionNoneNone
Disjointness of ReasonDisjointness of ReasonNoneNone
Disjointness of Scientific ChangeDisjointness of Scientific ChangeNoneNone
Disjointness of Scientific CommunityDisjointness of Scientific CommunityNoneNone
Disjointness of Scientific MosaicDisjointness of Scientific MosaicNoneNone
Disjointness of ScientonomyDisjointness of ScientonomyNoneNone
Disjointness of Singular Authority DelegationDisjointness of Singular Authority DelegationNoneNone
Disjointness of Sociocultural FactorsDisjointness of Sociocultural FactorsNoneNone
Disjointness of SubdisciplineDisjointness of SubdisciplineNoneNone
Disjointness of SubquestionDisjointness of SubquestionNoneNone
Disjointness of Substantive MethodDisjointness of Substantive MethodNoneNone
Disjointness of Theory AcceptanceDisjointness of Theory AcceptanceNoneNone
Disjointness of Theory DecayDisjointness of Theory DecayNoneNone
Disjointness of Theory PursuitDisjointness of Theory PursuitNoneNone
Disjointness of Theory UseDisjointness of Theory UseNoneNone
Disjointness of TheoryDisjointness of TheoryNoneNone
Disjointness of Tool RelianceDisjointness of Tool RelianceNoneNone
Element DecayElement DecayNoneNone
Epistemic ActionEpistemic ActionNoneNone
Epistemic AgentEpistemic AgentEpistemic Agent (Patton-2019)DirectComplete
Epistemic CommunityEpistemic CommunityNoneNone
Epistemic ElementEpistemic ElementNoneNone
Epistemic PresuppositionEpistemic PresuppositionEpistemic Presupposition (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021)DirectComplete
Epistemic StanceEpistemic StanceNoneNone
Epistemic Stances Towards DefinitionsEpistemic Stances Towards DefinitionsEpistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Acceptance (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Pursuit (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Use (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Descriptive TheoriesEpistemic Stances Towards Descriptive TheoriesEpistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Acceptance (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Pursuit (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Use (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Epistemic ElementsEpistemic Stances Towards Epistemic ElementsEpistemic Stances Towards Epistemic Elements - Compatibility (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)DirectComplete
Epistemic Stances Towards MethodsEpistemic Stances Towards MethodsEpistemic Stances Towards Normative Theories - Norm Employment (Barseghyan-2018)SuperanswerComplete
Epistemic Stances Towards Normative TheoriesEpistemic Stances Towards Normative TheoriesEpistemic Stances Towards Normative Theories - Norm Employment (Barseghyan-2018)DirectComplete
Epistemic Stances Towards QuestionsEpistemic Stances Towards QuestionsEpistemic Stances Towards Questions - Question Acceptance (Rawleigh-2018)DirectComplete
Epistemic Stances Towards TheoriesEpistemic Stances Towards TheoriesEpistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Acceptance (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Pursuit (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Use (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic ToolEpistemic ToolEpistemic Tool (Patton-2019)DirectComplete
ErrorErrorError (Machado-Marques-Patton-2021)DirectComplete
Existence of Acceptance CriteriaExistence of Acceptance CriteriaAcceptance Criteria ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Accidental GroupExistence of Accidental GroupAccidental Group ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Authority DelegationExistence of Authority DelegationAuthority Delegation ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of CommunityExistence of CommunityCommunity ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Compatibility CriteriaExistence of Compatibility CriteriaCompatibility Criteria ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of CompatibilityExistence of CompatibilityCompatibility ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Core QuestionExistence of Core QuestionCore Question ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Core TheoryExistence of Core TheoryCore Theory ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of DefinitionExistence of DefinitionDefinition ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Delineating TheoryExistence of Delineating TheoryDelineating Theory ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Demarcation CriteriaExistence of Demarcation CriteriaDemarcation Criteria ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Descriptive TheoryExistence of Descriptive TheoryDescriptive Theory ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Discipline AcceptanceExistence of Discipline AcceptanceDiscipline Acceptance ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of DisciplineExistence of DisciplineDiscipline ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Element DecayExistence of Element DecayNoneNone
Existence of Epistemic ActionExistence of Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Existence of Epistemic AgentExistence of Epistemic AgentEpistemic Agent ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Epistemic CommunityExistence of Epistemic CommunityEpistemic Community ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Epistemic ElementExistence of Epistemic ElementEpistemic Element ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Epistemic PresuppositionExistence of Epistemic PresuppositionEpistemic Presupposition ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Epistemic StanceExistence of Epistemic StanceEpistemic Stance ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Epistemic ToolExistence of Epistemic ToolEpistemic Tool ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of ErrorExistence of ErrorError ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Explicable-ImplicitExistence of Explicable-ImplicitNoneNone
Existence of Global Epistemic ActionExistence of Global Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Existence of GroupExistence of GroupGroup ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Hierarchical Authority DelegationExistence of Hierarchical Authority DelegationHierarchical Authority Delegation ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of ImplicitExistence of ImplicitNoneNone
Existence of Individual Epistemic AgentExistence of Individual Epistemic AgentIndividual Epistemic Agent ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Local Action AvailabilityExistence of Local Action AvailabilityNoneNone
Existence of Local Epistemic ActionExistence of Local Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Existence of Logical PresuppositionExistence of Logical PresuppositionLogical Presupposition ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Method HierarchiesExistence of Method HierarchiesNoneNone
Existence of Method HierarchyExistence of Method HierarchyNoneNone
Existence of MethodExistence of MethodMethod ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of MethodologyExistence of MethodologyMethodology ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of ModelExistence of ModelNoneNone
Existence of Mosaic MergeExistence of Mosaic MergeMosaic Merge ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Mosaic SplitExistence of Mosaic SplitMosaic Split ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Multiple Authority DelegationExistence of Multiple Authority DelegationMultiple Authority Delegation ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Mutual Authority DelegationExistence of Mutual Authority DelegationMutual Authority Delegation ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Non-Epistemic CommunityExistence of Non-Epistemic CommunityNoneNone
Existence of Non-Hierarchical Authority DelegationExistence of Non-Hierarchical Authority DelegationNon-Hierarchical Authority Delegation ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Norm EmploymentExistence of Norm EmploymentNorm Employment ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Normative TheoryExistence of Normative TheoryNormative Theory ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of One-sided Authority DelegationExistence of One-sided Authority DelegationOne-sided Authority Delegation ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Procedural MethodExistence of Procedural MethodProcedural Method ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Question AcceptanceExistence of Question AcceptanceQuestion Acceptance ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Question PursuitExistence of Question PursuitNoneNone
Existence of QuestionExistence of QuestionQuestion ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of ReasonExistence of ReasonNoneNone
Existence of Scientific ChangeExistence of Scientific ChangeScientific Change ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Scientific CommunityExistence of Scientific CommunityScientific Community ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Scientific MosaicExistence of Scientific MosaicScientific Mosaic ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of ScientonomyExistence of ScientonomyScientonomy ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Singular Authority DelegationExistence of Singular Authority DelegationSingular Authority Delegation ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Sociocultural FactorsExistence of Sociocultural FactorsSociocultural Factors ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of SubdisciplineExistence of SubdisciplineSubdiscipline ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of SubquestionExistence of SubquestionSubquestion ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Substantive MethodExistence of Substantive MethodSubstantive Method ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Theory AcceptanceExistence of Theory AcceptanceTheory Acceptance ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Theory DecayExistence of Theory DecayNoneNone
Existence of Theory PursuitExistence of Theory PursuitTheory Pursuit ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Theory UseExistence of Theory UseTheory Use ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of TheoryExistence of TheoryTheory ExistsDirectPartial
Existence of Tool RelianceExistence of Tool RelianceTool Reliance ExistsDirectPartial
Explicable-ImplicitExplicable-ImplicitExplicable-Implicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018)DirectComplete
ExplicitExplicitExplicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018)DirectComplete
Global Epistemic ActionGlobal Epistemic ActionNoneNone
GroupGroupGroup (Overgaard-2017)DirectComplete
Hierarchical Authority DelegationHierarchical Authority DelegationHierarchical Authority Delegation (Patton-2019)DirectComplete
Hierarchy of TheoriesHierarchy of TheoriesNoneNone
History of Scientific ChangeHistory of Scientific ChangeHistory of Scientific Change (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Implementation vs. Employment of MethodsImplementation vs. Employment of MethodsThe Law of Method Employment (Rawleigh-2022)SuperanswerComplete
ImplicitImplicitImplicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018)DirectComplete
Indicators of CommunitiesIndicators of CommunitiesNoneNone
Indicators of InconclusivenessIndicators of InconclusivenessNecessary Mosaic Split theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Possible Mosaic Split theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Split Due to Inconclusiveness theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Indicators of Method EmploymentIndicators of Method EmploymentIndicators of Method Employment (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Indicators of Question AcceptanceIndicators of Question AcceptanceNoneNone
Indicators of Theory AcceptanceIndicators of Theory AcceptanceIndicators of Theory Acceptance (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Indicators of ViolationIndicators of ViolationNoneNone
Individual Epistemic AgentIndividual Epistemic AgentNoneNone
Individual LevelIndividual LevelIndividual Level (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Individual and Communal LevelsIndividual and Communal LevelsNoneNone
InexplicableInexplicableInexplicable (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018)DirectComplete
Inferring Theory Assessment OutcomesInferring Theory Assessment OutcomesNoneNone
Local Action AvailabilityLocal Action AvailabilityNoneNone
Local Epistemic ActionLocal Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Logical PresuppositionLogical PresuppositionLogical Presupposition (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021)DirectComplete
Mechanism of CompatibilityMechanism of CompatibilityThe Law of Compatibility (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Discipline AcceptanceMechanism of Discipline AcceptanceNoneNone
Mechanism of Discipline RejectionMechanism of Discipline RejectionNoneNone
Mechanism of Error RejectionMechanism of Error RejectionError Rejection by Replacement (Machado-Marques-Patton-2021)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Method EmploymentMechanism of Method EmploymentThe Law of Method Employment (Rawleigh-2022)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Method RejectionMechanism of Method RejectionNorm Rejection theorem (Pandey-2023)SuperanswerComplete
Mechanism of Method RejectionMechanism of Method RejectionSynchronism of Method Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Mosaic SplitMechanism of Mosaic SplitNecessary Mosaic Split theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Possible Mosaic Split theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Split Due to Inconclusiveness theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Mechanism of Norm EmploymentMechanism of Norm EmploymentThe Law of Norm Employment (Rawleigh-2022)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Normative Theory RejectionMechanism of Normative Theory RejectionNorm Rejection theorem (Pandey-2023)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Question AcceptanceMechanism of Question AcceptanceThe Law of Question Acceptance (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Question RejectionMechanism of Question RejectionQuestion Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Levesley-Pandey-2023)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeQuestion Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Levesley-Pandey-2023)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeThe Law of Norm Employment (Rawleigh-2022)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeThe Law of Question Acceptance (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeThe Law of Compatibility (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeNorm Rejection theorem (Pandey-2023)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeSociocultural Factors in Theory Acceptance theorem (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeThe Second Law (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeMethodology Can Shape Method theorem (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeThe First Law (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeTheory Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeUnderdetermined Method Change theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Underdetermined Theory Change theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Scientific Underdeterminism theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeNecessary Mosaic Split theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Possible Mosaic Split theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Split Due to Inconclusiveness theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Mechanism of Scientific ChangeMechanism of Scientific ChangeDogmatism No Theory Change theorem (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Epistemic ElementsMechanism of Scientific Inertia for Epistemic ElementsThe First Law (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for MethodsMechanism of Scientific Inertia for MethodsThe First Law for Norms (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)SuperanswerComplete
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Normative TheoriesMechanism of Scientific Inertia for Normative TheoriesThe First Law for Norms (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for QuestionsMechanism of Scientific Inertia for QuestionsThe First Law for Questions (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for TheoriesMechanism of Scientific Inertia for TheoriesThe First Law for Theories (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Theory AcceptanceMechanism of Theory AcceptanceThe Second Law (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017)DirectComplete
Mechanism of Theory PursuitMechanism of Theory PursuitNoneNone
Mechanism of Theory RejectionMechanism of Theory RejectionTheory Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)DirectComplete
Method HierarchyMethod HierarchyNoneNone
MethodMethodMethod (Barseghyan-2018)DirectComplete
Methodology and MethodsMethodology and MethodsThe Law of Method Employment (Rawleigh-2022)SuperanswerComplete
MethodologyMethodologyMethodology (Barseghyan-2018)DirectComplete
Methods Shaping Theory ConstructionMethods Shaping Theory ConstructionNoneNone
Methods and Technical Research ToolsMethods and Technical Research ToolsTechnological Knowledge as Part of Mosaic (Mirkin-2018)SuperanswerComplete
Mosaic MergeMosaic MergeMosaic Merge (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Mosaic SplitMosaic SplitMosaic Split (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Multiple Authority DelegationMultiple Authority DelegationMultiple Authority Delegation (Patton-2019)DirectComplete
Mutual Authority DelegationMutual Authority DelegationMutual Authority Delegation (Patton-2019)DirectComplete
Nature of AppraisalNature of AppraisalContextual Appraisal theorem (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Necessary Descriptive TheoriesNecessary Descriptive TheoriesNoneNone
Necessary Epistemic ElementsNecessary Epistemic ElementsNecessary Method theorem (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Necessary LogicNecessary LogicNoneNone
Necessary MethodsNecessary MethodsNecessary Method theorem (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Necessary Normative TheoriesNecessary Normative TheoriesNecessary Method theorem (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Necessary QuestionsNecessary QuestionsNoneNone
Necessary TheoriesNecessary TheoriesNecessary Method theorem (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Non-Epistemic CommunityNon-Epistemic CommunityNoneNone
Non-Hierarchical Authority DelegationNon-Hierarchical Authority DelegationNon-Hierarchical Authority Delegation (Patton-2019)DirectComplete
Norm EmploymentNorm EmploymentNorm Employment (Barseghyan-2018)DirectComplete
Normative Effects of ScientonomyNormative Effects of ScientonomyNoneNone
Normative TheoryNormative TheoryNormative Theory (Sebastien-2016)DirectComplete
One-sided Authority DelegationOne-sided Authority DelegationOne-sided Authority Delegation (Patton-2019)DirectComplete
Ontology of Scientific ChangeOntology of Scientific ChangeTheory Acceptance Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Barseghyan-2015)
Norm Employment Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Barseghyan-2018)
Question Acceptance Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Rawleigh-2018)
Compatibility Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)
Theory Use Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Barseghyan-2015)
Theory Pursuit Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Barseghyan-2015)
Ontology of Scientific ChangeOntology of Scientific ChangeEpistemic Community Is a Subtype of Epistemic Agent (Barseghyan-2018)
Individual Epistemic Agent Is a Subtype of Epistemic Agent (Patton-2019)
Ontology of Scientific ChangeOntology of Scientific ChangeQuestion Is a Subtype of Epistemic Element (Rawleigh-2018)
Theory Is a Subtype of Epistemic Element (Barseghyan-2015)
Ontology of Scientific ChangeOntology of Scientific ChangeTheory Assessment Outcomes (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017)SubanswerPartial
Outcome InconclusiveOutcome InconclusiveOutcome Inconclusive (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017)DirectComplete
Outcome Not SatisfiedOutcome Not SatisfiedOutcome Not Satisfied (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017)DirectComplete
Outcome SatisfiedOutcome SatisfiedOutcome Satisfied (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017)DirectComplete
Philosophy of Science - DemarcationPhilosophy of Science - DemarcationNoneNone
Philosophy of Science - RelativismPhilosophy of Science - RelativismNoneNone
Philosophy of Science - Scientific ProgressPhilosophy of Science - Scientific ProgressNoneNone
Possibility of Scientonomy - Argument from Bad Track RecordPossibility of Scientonomy - Argument from Bad Track RecordResponse to the Argument from Bad Track Record (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Possibility of Scientonomy - Argument from Changeability of Scientific MethodPossibility of Scientonomy - Argument from Changeability of Scientific MethodResponse to the Argument from Changeability of Scientific Method (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Possibility of Scientonomy - PreconditionsPossibility of Scientonomy - PreconditionsPossibility of Scientonomy (Barseghyan-2015)SuperanswerComplete
Possibility of Scientonomy - The Argument from Nothing PermanentPossibility of Scientonomy - The Argument from Nothing PermanentResponse to the Argument from Nothing Permanent (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Possibility of Scientonomy - The Argument from Social ConstructionPossibility of Scientonomy - The Argument from Social ConstructionResponse to the Argument from Social Construction (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Possibility of ScientonomyPossibility of ScientonomyPossibility of Scientonomy (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Procedural MethodProcedural MethodProcedural Method (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Pursuit and AcceptancePursuit and AcceptanceEpistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Acceptance (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Pursuit (Barseghyan-2015)
Epistemic Stances Towards Theories - Theory Use (Barseghyan-2015)
Pursuit as AcceptancePursuit as AcceptancePursuit as Distinct from Acceptance (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Question AcceptanceQuestion AcceptanceQuestion Acceptance (Rawleigh-2018)DirectComplete
Question PursuitQuestion PursuitNoneNone
QuestionQuestionQuestion (Rawleigh-2018)DirectComplete
Reducibility of DefinitionsReducibility of DefinitionsNoneNone
Role of Employed Methods in Question AcceptanceRole of Employed Methods in Question AcceptanceThe Law of Question Acceptance (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021)SuperanswerComplete
Role of Ethics in Scientific ChangeRole of Ethics in Scientific ChangeNoneNone
Role of Methodology in Scientific ChangeRole of Methodology in Scientific ChangeMethodology Can Shape Method theorem (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Role of Non-Social and Environmental Factors in Scientific ChangeRole of Non-Social and Environmental Factors in Scientific ChangeNoneNone
Role of Practical Considerations in Scientific ChangeRole of Practical Considerations in Scientific ChangeNoneNone
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Method EmploymentRole of Sociocultural Factors in Method EmploymentNoneNone
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Mosaic SplitRole of Sociocultural Factors in Mosaic SplitNecessary Mosaic Split theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Possible Mosaic Split theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Split Due to Inconclusiveness theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Question AcceptanceRole of Sociocultural Factors in Question AcceptanceNoneNone
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Scientific ChangeRole of Sociocultural Factors in Scientific ChangeSociocultural Factors in Theory Acceptance theorem (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Theory AcceptanceRole of Sociocultural Factors in Theory AcceptanceSociocultural Factors in Theory Acceptance theorem (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Role of Used Theories in Method EmploymentRole of Used Theories in Method EmploymentThe Law of Method Employment (Rawleigh-2022)SuperanswerComplete
Scientific ChangeScientific ChangeScientific Change (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Scientific CommunityScientific CommunityNoneNone
Scientific MosaicScientific MosaicScientific Mosaic (Rawleigh-2022)DirectComplete
Scientonomic WorkflowScientonomic WorkflowScientonomic Workflow (Barseghyan et al.-2016)DirectComplete
ScientonomyScientonomyScientonomy (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Scope of Scientonomy - Acceptance Use and PursuitScope of Scientonomy - Acceptance Use and PursuitScope of Scientonomy - Acceptance (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Scope of Scientonomy - Construction and AppraisalScope of Scientonomy - Construction and AppraisalScope of Scientonomy - Appraisal (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Scope of Scientonomy - Descriptive and NormativeScope of Scientonomy - Descriptive and NormativeScope of Scientonomy - Descriptive (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Scope of Scientonomy - Explicit and ImplicitScope of Scientonomy - Explicit and ImplicitScope of Scientonomy - Implicit and Explicit (Barseghyan-2017)DirectComplete
Scope of Scientonomy - Individual and SocialScope of Scientonomy - Individual and SocialScope of Scientonomy - Social (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Scope of Scientonomy - Mosaic FormationScope of Scientonomy - Mosaic FormationNoneNone
Scope of Scientonomy - Time Fields and ScaleScope of Scientonomy - Time Fields and ScaleScope of Scientonomy - All Fields (Barseghyan-2015)
Scope of Scientonomy - All Scales (Barseghyan-2015)
Scope of Scientonomy - All Time Periods (Barseghyan-2015)
Scope of Scientonomy - Tracing Implicit and ExplicitScope of Scientonomy - Tracing Implicit and ExplicitScope of Scientonomy - Implicit and Explicit (Barseghyan-2017)SuperanswerComplete
Scope of ScientonomyScope of ScientonomyScope of Scientonomy - Implicit and Explicit (Barseghyan-2017)SubanswerPartial
Scope of ScientonomyScope of ScientonomyScope of Scientonomy - Descriptive (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Scope of ScientonomyScope of ScientonomyScope of Scientonomy - Appraisal (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Scope of ScientonomyScope of ScientonomyScope of Scientonomy - All Fields (Barseghyan-2015)
Scope of Scientonomy - All Scales (Barseghyan-2015)
Scope of Scientonomy - All Time Periods (Barseghyan-2015)
Scope of ScientonomyScope of ScientonomyScope of Scientonomy - Social (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Scope of ScientonomyScope of ScientonomyScope of Scientonomy - Acceptance (Barseghyan-2015)SubanswerPartial
Singular Authority DelegationSingular Authority DelegationSingular Authority Delegation (Patton-2019)DirectComplete
Social LevelSocial LevelSocial Level (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Sociocultural FactorsSociocultural FactorsNoneNone
Static vs. Dynamic MethodsStatic vs. Dynamic MethodsDynamic Substantive Methods theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Static Procedural Methods theorem (Barseghyan-2015)
Status of Impossible Abstract RequirementsStatus of Impossible Abstract RequirementsThe Law of Method Employment (Rawleigh-2022)SuperanswerComplete
Status of ReasonsStatus of ReasonsThe Second Law (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017)SuperanswerComplete
Status of Tacit TheoriesStatus of Tacit TheoriesNoneNone
Status of Technological KnowledgeStatus of Technological KnowledgeTechnological Knowledge as Part of Mosaic (Mirkin-2018)DirectComplete
SubdisciplineSubdisciplineSubdiscipline (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)DirectComplete
Subdisciplines of ScientonomySubdisciplines of ScientonomyTheoretical Scientonomy Is a Subdiscipline of ScientonomyDirectPartial
Subdisciplines of Theoretical ScientonomySubdisciplines of Theoretical ScientonomyNoneNone
SubquestionSubquestionSubquestion (Patton-Al-Zayadi-2021)DirectComplete
Substantive MethodSubstantive MethodSubstantive Method (Barseghyan-2015)DirectComplete
Subtypes of Acceptance CriteriaSubtypes of Acceptance CriteriaNoneNone
Subtypes of Accidental GroupSubtypes of Accidental GroupNoneNone
Subtypes of Authority DelegationSubtypes of Authority DelegationMultiple Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Authority Delegation (Loiselle-2017)
Mutual Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Authority Delegation (Overgaard-Loiselle-2016)
One-sided Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Authority Delegation (Overgaard-Loiselle-2016)
Singular Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Authority Delegation (Loiselle-2017)
Subtypes of CommunitySubtypes of CommunityNoneNone
Subtypes of Compatibility CriteriaSubtypes of Compatibility CriteriaNoneNone
Subtypes of CompatibilitySubtypes of CompatibilityNoneNone
Subtypes of Core QuestionSubtypes of Core QuestionNoneNone
Subtypes of Core TheorySubtypes of Core TheoryNoneNone
Subtypes of DefinitionSubtypes of DefinitionNoneNone
Subtypes of Delineating TheorySubtypes of Delineating TheoryNoneNone
Subtypes of Demarcation CriteriaSubtypes of Demarcation CriteriaNoneNone
Subtypes of Descriptive TheorySubtypes of Descriptive TheoryNoneNone
Subtypes of Discipline AcceptanceSubtypes of Discipline AcceptanceNoneNone
Subtypes of DisciplineSubtypes of DisciplineNoneNone
Subtypes of Element DecaySubtypes of Element DecayTheory Decay Is a Subtype of Element Decay (Oh-2021)DirectPartial
Subtypes of Epistemic ActionSubtypes of Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Subtypes of Epistemic AgentSubtypes of Epistemic AgentEpistemic Community Is a Subtype of Epistemic Agent (Barseghyan-2018)
Individual Epistemic Agent Is a Subtype of Epistemic Agent (Patton-2019)
Subtypes of Epistemic CommunitySubtypes of Epistemic CommunityNoneNone
Subtypes of Epistemic ElementSubtypes of Epistemic ElementQuestion Is a Subtype of Epistemic Element (Rawleigh-2018)
Theory Is a Subtype of Epistemic Element (Barseghyan-2015)
Subtypes of Epistemic PresuppositionSubtypes of Epistemic PresuppositionNoneNone
Subtypes of Epistemic StanceSubtypes of Epistemic StanceCompatibility Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)
Norm Employment Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Barseghyan-2018)
Question Acceptance Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Rawleigh-2018)
Theory Acceptance Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Barseghyan-2015)
Theory Pursuit Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Barseghyan-2015)
Theory Use Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Barseghyan-2015)
Subtypes of Epistemic ToolSubtypes of Epistemic ToolNoneNone
Subtypes of ErrorSubtypes of ErrorNoneNone
Subtypes of Explicable-ImplicitSubtypes of Explicable-ImplicitNoneNone
Subtypes of ExplicitSubtypes of ExplicitNoneNone
Subtypes of Global Epistemic ActionSubtypes of Global Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Subtypes of GroupSubtypes of GroupAccidental Group Is a Subtype of Group (Overgaard-2017)
Community Is a Subtype of Group (Overgaard-2017)
Subtypes of Hierarchical Authority DelegationSubtypes of Hierarchical Authority DelegationNoneNone
Subtypes of ImplicitSubtypes of ImplicitExplicable-Implicit Is a Subtype of Implicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018)
Inexplicable Is a Subtype of Implicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018)
Subtypes of Individual Epistemic AgentSubtypes of Individual Epistemic AgentNoneNone
Subtypes of InexplicableSubtypes of InexplicableNoneNone
Subtypes of Local Action AvailabilitySubtypes of Local Action AvailabilityNoneNone
Subtypes of Local Epistemic ActionSubtypes of Local Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Subtypes of Logical PresuppositionSubtypes of Logical PresuppositionNoneNone
Subtypes of Method HierarchySubtypes of Method HierarchyNoneNone
Subtypes of MethodSubtypes of MethodProcedural Method Is a Subtype of Method (Barseghyan-2015)
Substantive Method Is a Subtype of Method (Barseghyan-2015)
Subtypes of MethodologySubtypes of MethodologyNoneNone
Subtypes of ModelSubtypes of ModelNoneNone
Subtypes of Mosaic MergeSubtypes of Mosaic MergeNoneNone
Subtypes of Mosaic SplitSubtypes of Mosaic SplitNoneNone
Subtypes of Multiple Authority DelegationSubtypes of Multiple Authority DelegationHierarchical Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Multiple Authority Delegation (Loiselle-2017)
Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Multiple Authority Delegation (Loiselle-2017)
Subtypes of Mutual Authority DelegationSubtypes of Mutual Authority DelegationNoneNone
Subtypes of Non-Epistemic CommunitySubtypes of Non-Epistemic CommunityNoneNone
Subtypes of Non-Hierarchical Authority DelegationSubtypes of Non-Hierarchical Authority DelegationNoneNone
Subtypes of Norm EmploymentSubtypes of Norm EmploymentNoneNone
Subtypes of Normative TheorySubtypes of Normative TheoryMethod Is a Subtype of Normative Theory (Barseghyan-2018)DirectPartial
Subtypes of One-sided Authority DelegationSubtypes of One-sided Authority DelegationNoneNone
Subtypes of Outcome InconclusiveSubtypes of Outcome InconclusiveNoneNone
Subtypes of Procedural MethodSubtypes of Procedural MethodNoneNone
Subtypes of Question AcceptanceSubtypes of Question AcceptanceNoneNone
Subtypes of Question PursuitSubtypes of Question PursuitNoneNone
Subtypes of QuestionSubtypes of QuestionNoneNone
Subtypes of ReasonSubtypes of ReasonNoneNone
Subtypes of Scientific ChangeSubtypes of Scientific ChangeNoneNone
Subtypes of Scientific CommunitySubtypes of Scientific CommunityNoneNone
Subtypes of Scientific MosaicSubtypes of Scientific MosaicNoneNone
Subtypes of ScientonomySubtypes of ScientonomyNoneNone
Subtypes of Singular Authority DelegationSubtypes of Singular Authority DelegationNoneNone
Subtypes of Sociocultural FactorsSubtypes of Sociocultural FactorsNoneNone
Subtypes of SubdisciplineSubtypes of SubdisciplineNoneNone
Subtypes of SubquestionSubtypes of SubquestionNoneNone
Subtypes of Substantive MethodSubtypes of Substantive MethodNoneNone
Subtypes of Theory AcceptanceSubtypes of Theory AcceptanceNoneNone
Subtypes of Theory DecaySubtypes of Theory DecayNoneNone
Subtypes of Theory PursuitSubtypes of Theory PursuitNoneNone
Subtypes of Theory UseSubtypes of Theory UseNoneNone
Subtypes of TheorySubtypes of TheoryDefinition Is a Subtype of Theory (Barseghyan-2018)
Descriptive Theory Is a Subtype of Theory (Barseghyan-2015)
Normative Theory Is a Subtype of Theory (Sebastien-2016)
Subtypes of Tool RelianceSubtypes of Tool RelianceNoneNone
Superdisciplines of ScientonomySuperdisciplines of ScientonomyNoneNone
Superdisciplines of Theoretical ScientonomySuperdisciplines of Theoretical ScientonomyTheoretical Scientonomy Is a Subdiscipline of ScientonomyDirectPartial
Supertypes of Acceptance CriteriaSupertypes of Acceptance CriteriaNoneNone
Supertypes of Accidental GroupSupertypes of Accidental GroupAccidental Group Is a Subtype of Group (Overgaard-2017)DirectPartial
Supertypes of Authority DelegationSupertypes of Authority DelegationNoneNone
Supertypes of CommunitySupertypes of CommunityCommunity Is a Subtype of Group (Overgaard-2017)DirectPartial
Supertypes of Compatibility CriteriaSupertypes of Compatibility CriteriaNoneNone
Supertypes of CompatibilitySupertypes of CompatibilityCompatibility Is a Subtype of Epistemic Stance (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)DirectPartial
Supertypes of Core QuestionSupertypes of Core QuestionNoneNone
Supertypes of Core TheorySupertypes of Core TheoryNoneNone
Supertypes of DefinitionSupertypes of DefinitionDefinition Is a Subtype of Theory (Barseghyan-2018)DirectPartial
Supertypes of Delineating TheorySupertypes of Delineating TheoryNoneNone
Supertypes of Demarcation CriteriaSupertypes of Demarcation CriteriaNoneNone
Supertypes of Descriptive TheorySupertypes of Descriptive TheoryDescriptive Theory Is a Subtype of Theory (Barseghyan-2015)DirectPartial
Supertypes of Discipline AcceptanceSupertypes of Discipline AcceptanceNoneNone
Supertypes of DisciplineSupertypes of DisciplineNoneNone
Supertypes of Element DecaySupertypes of Element DecayNoneNone
Supertypes of Epistemic ActionSupertypes of Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Supertypes of Epistemic AgentSupertypes of Epistemic AgentNoneNone
Supertypes of Epistemic CommunitySupertypes of Epistemic CommunityEpistemic Community Is a Subtype of Epistemic Agent (Barseghyan-2018)DirectPartial
Supertypes of Epistemic ElementSupertypes of Epistemic ElementNoneNone
Supertypes of Epistemic PresuppositionSupertypes of Epistemic PresuppositionNoneNone
Supertypes of Epistemic StanceSupertypes of Epistemic StanceNoneNone
Supertypes of Epistemic ToolSupertypes of Epistemic ToolNoneNone
Supertypes of ErrorSupertypes of ErrorNoneNone
Supertypes of Explicable-ImplicitSupertypes of Explicable-ImplicitExplicable-Implicit Is a Subtype of Implicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018)DirectPartial
Supertypes of ExplicitSupertypes of ExplicitNoneNone
Supertypes of Global Epistemic ActionSupertypes of Global Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Supertypes of GroupSupertypes of GroupNoneNone
Supertypes of Hierarchical Authority DelegationSupertypes of Hierarchical Authority DelegationHierarchical Authority Delegation Is a Subtype of Multiple Authority Delegation (Loiselle-2017)DirectPartial
Supertypes of ImplicitSupertypes of ImplicitNoneNone
Supertypes of Individual Epistemic AgentSupertypes of Individual Epistemic AgentIndividual Epistemic Agent Is a Subtype of Epistemic Agent (Patton-2019)DirectPartial
Supertypes of InexplicableSupertypes of InexplicableInexplicable Is a Subtype of Implicit (Mirkin-Barseghyan-2018)DirectPartial
Supertypes of Local Action AvailabilitySupertypes of Local Action AvailabilityNoneNone
Supertypes of Local Epistemic ActionSupertypes of Local Epistemic ActionNoneNone
Supertypes of Logical PresuppositionSupertypes of Logical PresuppositionNoneNone
Supertypes of Method HierarchySupertypes of Method HierarchyNoneNone
Supertypes of MethodSupertypes of MethodMethod Is a Subtype of Normative Theory (Barseghyan-2018)DirectPartial
Supertypes of MethodologySupertypes of MethodologyNoneNone
Supertypes of ModelSupertypes of ModelNoneNone
Supertypes of Mosaic MergeSupertypes of Mosaic MergeNoneNone
... further results

Description: According to the theory rejection theorem, a theory becomes rejected only when other theories that are incompatible with the theory become accepted.

Implicit in the theorem is the idea that each theory is assessed on an "individual basis by its compatibility with the propositions of the newly accepted theory".p. 168 If it turns out that a previously accepted theory is compatible with the newly accepted theory, it remain in the agent's mosaic.

Barseghyan notes that, although we normally expect a theory to be replaced by another theory in the same "field" of inquiry, this is not necessarily the case. For example, he writes, "HSC knows several cases where an accepted theory became rejected simply because it wasn’t compatible with new accepted theories of some other fields".p. 171

Barseghyan summarizes the theory rejection theorem as such:

In short, when the axioms of a theory are replaced by another theory, some of the theorems may nevertheless manage to stay in the mosaic, provided that they are compatible with the newly accepted theory. This is essentially what the theory rejection theorem tells us. Thus, if someday our currently accepted general relativity gets replaced by some new theory, the theories that followed from general relativity, such as the theory of black holes, may nevertheless manage to remain in the mosaic. p. 171

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