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The following table shows the completion rates of all pages in category Author:

AuthorTotalStatusDate of BirthSummaryHistorical ContextMajor ContributionsCriticism
René Descartes100Editor Approved100100100100100
Isaac Newton100Editor Approved100100100100100
John Locke100Editor Approved100100100100100
David Hume100Editor Approved100100100100100
Imre Lakatos100Editor Approved100100100100100
Francis Bacon90Needs Editing100100100100100
Ludwik Fleck90Needs Editing100100100100100
Rudolf Carnap90Needs Editing100100100100100
George Sarton90Needs Editing100100100100100
John Stuart Mill90Needs Editing100100100100100
Immanuel Kant90Needs Editing100100100100100
Helen Longino89Needs Editing10010010010095
Paul Feyerabend88Needs Editing10010089100100
Aristotle86Needs Editing25100100100100
Pierre Duhem84Needs Editing10010063100100
Karl Popper82Needs Editing10010010082100
John Herschel80Needs Editing1000100100100
Larry Laudan78Needs Editing10010018100100
Charles Darwin15Stub100100000
William C. Wimsatt15Stub100100000
Charles Sanders Peirce15Stub100100000
Stephen Toulmin15Stub100100000
Christian List15Stub100100000
Herman von Helmholtz15Stub100100000
Ernst Mach15Stub100100000
Jaegwon Kim15Stub100100000
Thomas Kuhn12Stub10066000
Philip Pettit11Stub25100000
George Boole10Stub10045000
Colin Allen10Stub0100000
Hong Yu Wong10Stub0100000
Robert Goldstone10Stub0100000
Kirk Ludwig10Stub0100000
Duncan Pritchard10Stub0100000
Georg Theiner10Stub096000
Karine Megerdoomian10Stub0100000
Spyridon Orestis Palermos10Stub0100000
Marija Jankovic10Stub0100000
Douglas Allchin10Stub0100000
Timothy O'Connor10Stub0100000
Deborah Tollefsen10Stub0100000
Leora Bar-el10Stub0100000
Graham Oppy10Stub0100000
Mark Bedau10Stub0100000
Antonella Corradini10Stub0100000
Walter Isaacson9Stub10037000
Gregory Rupik9Stub10036000
Robert S. Cohen8Stub2569000
Ingemar During8Stub10029000
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz8Stub10026000
Brian S. Baigrie7Stub066000
Louis Broglie6Stub1000020
Philip Wiener6Stub1000020
Gerd Buchdahl5Stub1000000
Julian Jaynes5Stub1000000
George Berkeley5Stub1000000
John Hasbrouck Van Vleck5Stub1000000
Theodore Arabatzis5Stub1000000
Norman Levitt5Stub1000000
Jack Stillinger5Stub1000000
Robert Cecil Olby5Stub1000000
Elliott R. Sober5Stub1000000
Moritz Schlick5Stub1000000
Thomas Nickles5Stub1000000
John L. Heilbron5Stub1000000
Vere Chappell5Stub1000000
Alfred Tarski5Stub1000000
Alfred Jules Ayer5Stub1000000
Curt John Ducasse5Stub1000000
Harry Woolf5Stub1000000
Reuben Lewis Goodstein5Stub1000000
Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz5Stub1000000
Thomas Reid5Stub1000000
Hasok Chang5Stub1000000
Susan Faye (born Walter Faw) Cannon5Stub1000000
Hakob Barseghyan5Stub1000000
Francis E. Mineka5Stub1000000
Michael Weisberg5Stub1000000
Andrzej Wiśniewski5Stub1000000
Allan Franklin5Stub1000000
Steven Shapin5Stub1000000
Nicholas Rescher5Stub1000000
Charles Singer5Stub1000000
Bernard Cohen5Stub1000000
Eric J. Aiton5Stub1000000
Edward Grant5Stub1000000
David Lindberg5Stub1000000
Lorenz Kruger5Stub1000000
Herbert Butterfield5Stub1000000
Michael Martin5Stub1000000
Nichole Levesley5Stub1000000
Frederick Suppe5Stub1000000
Arie Rip5Stub1000000
Jamie Shaw5Stub1000000
Albert Einstein5Stub1000000
Dwight N. Lindley5Stub1000000
Nuel D. Belnap5Stub1000000
Simon Schaffer5Stub1000000
James T. Cushing5Stub1000000
Naomi Oreskes5Stub1000000
Roger C. Buck5Stub1000000
Tore Frangsmyr5Stub1000000
Roger H. Stuewer5Stub1000000
Willard van Orman Quine5Stub1000000
Richard Shusterman5Stub1000000
Lorraine Daston5Stub1000000
Jaakko Hintikka5Stub1000000
Marshall Clagett5Stub1000000
John Law5Stub1000000
Nick Jardine5Stub1000000
Nathan Rosen5Stub1000000
Paul Patton5Stub1000000
Roger Ariew5Stub1000000
Paul Hoyningen-Huene5Stub1000000
Peter Dear5Stub1000000
Mary Henle5Stub1000000
Harriet Taylor Mill5Stub1000000
Nicholas Overgaard5Stub1000000
Jürgen Mittelstrass5Stub1000000
Craig G. Fraser5Stub1000000
Michael Heidelberger5Stub1000000
Jacob MacKinnon5Stub1000000
Dudley Shapere5Stub1000000
Ronald W. Clark5Stub1000000
Colin Maclaurin5Stub1000000
Alistair C. Crombie5Stub1000000
Mary Terrall5Stub1000000
Boris Podolsky5Stub1000000
Bruce L. Kinzer5Stub1000000
Eliot Deutsch5Stub1000000
Hans Reichenbach5Stub1000000
John Worrall5Stub1000000
William Paley3Stub500000
Steven Weinberg3Stub2519000
Philipp Kanschik2Stub024000
Jorge Cauz1Stub014000
Jacques Rohault1Stub250000
Dorothea Singer1Stub250000
Mathew Mercuri1Stub07000
William René Shea1Stub250000
Joseph C. Pitt1Stub250000
James Robert Brown1Stub250000
William Harper1Stub00020
John J. Sullivan1Stub250000
Michel Callon1Stub250000
Robert Butts1Stub250000
Carl Sagan1Stub250000
Tony Becher1Stub250000
Michelene T. H. Chi1Stub250000
Ann P. Robson1Stub250000
Thomas B. Steel1Stub250000
Donald A. Gillies1Stub250000
Gary Gutting1Stub250000
Marx W. Wartofsky1Stub250000
Paul Horwich1Stub250000
John M. Robson1Stub250000
Alan Musgrave1Stub250000
Theodore Schick1Stub00020
Peter Machamer0Stub00000
Victoria Fang0Stub00000
Ernan McMullin0Stub00000
Brandon Look0Stub00000
Lee McIntyre0Stub00000
Peter Barker0Stub00000
Bruce Russell0Stub00000
Seymour Mauskopf0Stub00000
Paul Carls0Stub00000
Rema Rossini Favretti0Stub00000
Yifang Zhang0Stub00000
Georgiana Dusa0Stub00000
Edward Zalta0Stub00000
Burkhard Reis0Stub00000
Zawahir Moir0Stub00000
Konstantin S. Kiprijanov0Stub00000
Lex Newman0Stub00000
John Wright0Stub00000
Alessandra Castino0Stub00000
John Ladyman0Stub00000
Abner Shimony0Stub00000
Karen Yan0Stub00000
Walter Carnielli0Stub00000
Arthur Donovan0Stub00000
Yael Sharvit0Stub00000
Zoe Sebastien0Stub00000
Markus Alliksaar0Stub00000
Timothy Ashplant0Stub00000
Scott Mandelbrote0Stub00000
Charles Pigden0Stub00000
Stephen Thornton0Stub00000
Graham Rees0Stub00000
Jonathan Barnes0Stub00000
Bruce R. Wheaton0Stub00000
Stephen Stitch0Stub00000
Alvin Goldman0Stub00000
Zachery Brown0Stub00000
Michael Jonathan Sessions Hodge0Stub00000
Anthony Quinton0Stub00000
Gem Stapleton0Stub00000
Erwin Hiebert0Stub00000
William Wood0Stub00000
Neo Yin0Stub00000
John Norton0Stub00000
Andrew Ortony0Stub00000
Matthew Lund0Stub00000
Nancy Nersessian0Stub00000
James Harris0Stub00000
Alexander Offord0Stub00000
Desmond Clarke0Stub00000
Patrick Fraser0Stub00000
Intishar Kazi0Stub00000
Graham Priest0Stub00000
Andreas Spath0Stub00000
Julien Offray De La Mettrie0Stub00000
Charles W. Morris0Stub00000
Stephen Brown0Stub00000
Jonathan Harwood0Stub00000
Andy Clark0Stub00000
Landon See0Stub00000
Oswald Hanfling0Stub00000
Thomas Mormann0Stub00000
Robert Scharff0Stub00000
David Stump0Stub00000
Mihály Héder0Stub00000
Brendan Wu0Stub00000
James Spedding0Stub00000
Alexandra Witze0Stub00000
Daniel Garber0Stub00000
David Deming0Stub00000
Anjan Chakravartty0Stub00000
Alan Stewart0Stub00000
David R. Hiley0Stub00000
Hanne Andersen0Stub00000
Fred D. Miller0Stub00000
Ralph Mclnerny0Stub00000
Jack Nelson0Stub00000
Martin Hollis0Stub00000
William Edward Morris0Stub00000
Julia Da Silva0Stub00000
Gale Christianson0Stub00000
Thomas Markby0Stub00000
Kareem Khalifa0Stub00000
Jerry Samet0Stub00000
Joshua Payne Smith0Stub00000
Barton Moffatt0Stub00000
John Hardwig0Stub00000
Gavin Hyman0Stub00000
Carlin Henikoff0Stub00000
Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen0Stub00000
Saul Fisher0Stub00000
Sean Cohmer0Stub00000
Peter Asquith0Stub00000
Kristen Intemann0Stub00000
Izzy Friesen0Stub00000
Robert Merton0Stub00000
Sanghoon Oh0Stub00000
Georges Rey0Stub00000
Tad Schmaltz0Stub00000
Bimal Matilal0Stub00000
Giorgio Sandri0Stub00000
Herbert Feigl0Stub00000
John R. Milton0Stub00000
Abdullah Sarwar0Stub00000
Mario Bunge0Stub00000
John P. Wright0Stub00000
Marion Filipiuk0Stub00000
Laura M. Sellers0Stub00000
Genevieve Rodis-Lewis0Stub00000
Stanley M. Loomis0Stub00000
Letizia Marcelja0Stub00000
Heather Douglas0Stub00000
Nancy Cartwright0Stub00000
Justin Donhauser0Stub00000
Robert Disalle0Stub00000
Joano Marcos0Stub00000
Stathis Psillos0Stub00000
Sigrid Beck0Stub00000
Terese Pierre0Stub00000
John R. R. Christie0Stub00000
David Owen0Stub00000
Robert Nola0Stub00000
Thomas Fowler0Stub00000
Roger White0Stub00000
Sylvia Berryman0Stub00000
Michael Siegal0Stub00000
Thomas Blanchard0Stub00000
Stephen Watt0Stub00000
Cecil G. Shugart0Stub00000
Markku Peltonen0Stub00000
Sven Linker0Stub00000
Everett Mendelsohn0Stub00000
Basil Montagu0Stub00000
Samir Okasha0Stub00000
Jutta Schickore0Stub00000
Sandy L. Zabell0Stub00000
Barry Barnes0Stub00000
Theodore Porter0Stub00000
William Morris0Stub00000
Cyrus Al-Zayadi0Stub00000
Stephen Gaukroger0Stub00000
Ameer Sarwar0Stub00000
Spenser Borrie0Stub00000
Koji Tanaka0Stub00000
Marc Ereshefsky0Stub00000
Eugene Garfield0Stub00000
William Bechtel0Stub00000
Louis Rougier0Stub00000
Paul Anderson0Stub00000
Thomas Schnelle0Stub00000
Lini Allen0Stub00000
Bradley Dowden0Stub00000
G. G. Shan0Stub00000
Leonid Zhmud0Stub00000
Valentine Dusek0Stub00000
Torin Doppelt0Stub00000
Margaret Osler0Stub00000
Harry Collins0Stub00000
Rhett Allain0Stub00000
Calahan Janik-Jones0Stub00000
Robert Ellis0Stub00000
Benjamin Abbott0Stub00000
Elizabeth S. Haldane0Stub00000
Antonio Spadafora0Stub00000
Peter Godfrey-Smith0Stub00000
John Von Neumann0Stub00000
Harriet Knight0Stub00000
Guillaume Dechauffour0Stub00000
Kyle Stanford0Stub00000
James Bohman0Stub00000
Brian Hepburn0Stub00000
Georgios Anagnostopoulos0Stub00000
John O'Callaghan0Stub00000
Lynn Hankinson Nelson0Stub00000
Steven Lukes0Stub00000
Wesley Salmon0Stub00000
Janet Kourany0Stub00000
Edward H. Madden0Stub00000
Meng-Li Tsai0Stub00000
Carl Matheson0Stub00000
Richard Boyd0Stub00000
Marina DiMarco0Stub00000
Peter Markie0Stub00000
Edwin Hutchins0Stub00000
Tessa Ng0Stub00000
Jurgen Klein0Stub00000
Kevin Zheng0Stub00000
Henry Kyburg0Stub00000
Sharon Crasnow0Stub00000
Sam Tippelt0Stub00000
John Preston0Stub00000
Robert Westman0Stub00000
Oliphant Smeaton0Stub00000
Gottlob Frege0Stub00000
Jan Golinski0Stub00000
Arindam Charkrabarti0Stub00000
Roberto Scazzieri0Stub00000
Grover Maxwell0Stub00000
Peter Anstey0Stub00000
Yichen Zhang0Stub00000
Regine Eckardt0Stub00000
Alan Chalmers0Stub04000
Paul Potter0Stub00000
Michael Laine0Stub00000
Bertrand Russell0Stub00000
Calvin Walker Taylor0Stub00000
Ralph Schumacher0Stub00000
Andrew Chung0Stub00000
Jordi Cat0Stub00000
Rasmus Winther0Stub00000
Deivide Garcia0Stub00000
Istvan Bodnar0Stub00000
Markus Schlosser0Stub00000
Martin Curd0Stub00000
John Losee0Stub00000
William Rawleigh0Stub00000
Paul Needham0Stub00000
Graciella De Pierris0Stub00000
C. Wade Savage0Stub00000
Jane McIntyre0Stub00000
Howard Sankey0Stub00000
Otto Neurath0Stub00000
Michael Scriven0Stub00000
Gordon Belot0Stub00000
Philip Kitcher0Stub00000
Richard Schantz0Stub00000 Editors0Stub00000
Felix Walpole0Stub00000
John Briggs0Stub00000
Catherine Legg0Stub00000
Max Weber0Stub00000
Zev Bechler0Stub00000
Joseph Devey0Stub00000
Stephan Hartmann0Stub00000
Friedrich Steinle0Stub00000
Christopher Macleod0Stub00000
David Bloor0Stub00000
John Searle0Stub00000
Charlotte Brown0Stub00000
Zoë Golay0Stub00000
Chirstopher Luthy0Stub00000
Cameron Martin0Stub00000
Zachary Weber0Stub00000
John W. Davis0Stub00000
Aaron D. Cobb0Stub00000
Aayu Pandey0Stub00000
Adam Grobler0Stub00000
David Chalmers0Stub00000
Yehoshua Bar-Hillel0Stub00000
Sophie Ritson0Stub00000
Michael Rohlf0Stub00000
Douglas McDermid0Stub00000
David Gooding0Stub00000
Françoise Bastide0Stub00000
Amna Zulfiqar0Stub00000
Colin Turbayne0Stub00000
Michael Mulkay0Stub00000
Paul Allen0Stub00000
Christopher Shields0Stub00000
Douglas Heath0Stub00000
Emily Herring0Stub00000
Gary Hatfield0Stub00000
Ryan Nichols0Stub00000
Rebecca Muscant0Stub00000
Thomas Uebel0Stub00000
Fredrick Suppe0Stub00000
Michael Keirnan0Stub00000
Joel Burkholder0Stub00000
Paul Arthur Schilpp0Stub00000
John Tresch0Stub00000
Karim Bschir0Stub00000
Hilary Gatti0Stub00000
Peter Galison0Stub00000
Max Muller0Stub00000
Michael Ruse0Stub00000
Gabriel Gottfried0Stub00000
Tsung-Ren Huang0Stub00000
Justin Dallmann0Stub00000
Bruno Latour0Stub00000
Philip Gasper0Stub00000
Julia Annas0Stub00000
Patricia Curd0Stub00000
David Miller0Stub00000
Karin Knorr Cetina0Stub00000
John Biro0Stub00000
Jacqueline Sereda0Stub00000
Marvin P. Bolt0Stub00000
Hannah Rajput0Stub00000
Wojciech Sady0Stub00000
Elie Zahar0Stub00000
Lisa Downing0Stub00000
Sarah Machado-Marques0Stub00000
Robert Fontenrose0Stub00000
Mauro Murzi0Stub00000
Norwood Hanson0Stub00000
Peter Lipton0Stub00000
Norman Kaplan0Stub00000
Robert Garland Colodny0Stub00000
Liron Cohen0Stub00000
Kye Palider0Stub00000
Benjamin Lovejoy0Stub00000
Richard DeWitt0Stub00000
Phillip J. Van der Eijk0Stub00000
Philipp Frank0Stub00000
James Hartle0Stub00000
William Uzgalis0Stub00000
William Warren0Stub00000
Nora Zolfaghari0Stub00000
Richard Creath0Stub00000
Hans Halvorson0Stub00000
Michael Lissack0Stub00000
Jonathan Bennett0Stub00000
Maxim Mirkin0Stub00000
Juan Serrano Reyes0Stub00000
Robin Hendry0Stub00000
Jarrett Leplin0Stub00000
Martin Bell0Stub00000
Hans Heinrich Gerth0Stub00000
Carl Hempel0Stub00000
Niels Bohr0Stub00000
Paul Guyer0Stub00000
Sture Allén0Stub00000
Markus Seidel0Stub00000
Jan Faye0Stub00000
Andrea Falcon0Stub00000
Gerald Geison0Stub00000
Emmanuel Manalo0Stub00000
William Whewell0Stub00000
John Rogers0Stub00000
William Wright0Stub00000
Carole J. Lee0Stub00000
Henk de Regt0Stub00000
Edward Strong0Stub00000
John Henry0Stub00000
Bernard Williams0Stub00000
David Norton0Stub00000
Joshua Allen0Stub00000
John E. Murdoch0Stub00000
Christopher Kaumeyer0Stub00000
Stella Vosniadou0Stub00000
George Smith0Stub00000
Robert Turnbull0Stub00000
... further results

Bibliographic Records

The following table shows the completion rates of all pages in category Bibliographic Record:

Bibliographic RecordTotalStatusAbstractHistorical ContextSynopsisCriticism
Loiselle (2017)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1878)100Editor Approved00
Overgaard (2017)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1996a)100Editor Approved00
Kuhn (2022)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1965)100Editor Approved00
Friesen et al. (2023)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (2011)100Editor Approved00
Patton and Al-Zayadi (2021)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (2000d)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1901b)100Editor Approved00
Overgaard and Loiselle (2016)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (2004)100Editor Approved00
Allen (2023)100Editor Approved00
Hanfling (2004)100Editor Approved02
Bacon (1996b)100Editor Approved00
Sebastien (2016)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1859)100Editor Approved00
Allen (1988)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1920)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (2007)100Editor Approved00
Castino (2023)100Editor Approved00
Oh (2021)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1998)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1853)100Editor Approved00
Giere (2002)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1861)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1901a)100Editor Approved00
Patton, Overgaard, and Barseghyan (2017)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1958)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (2012)100Editor Approved00
Pandey (2023)100Editor Approved00
Longino (2015)100Editor Approved00
Machado-Marques and Patton (2021)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (2000a)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1855)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1874)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1968)100Editor Approved00
Cat (2014)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (2000b)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (1962)100Editor Approved00
Fatigati (2017)100Editor Approved00
Shan (2023)100Editor Approved00
Barseghyan and Levesley (2021)100Editor Approved00
Bacon (2000c)100Editor Approved00
Nelson and Nelson (1996)20Stub00
Feyerabend (1981a)20Stub00
Fine (2013)20Stub00
Christianson (1984)20Stub00
Ayala (2003)20Stub00
Shaw and Donhauser (2022)20Needs Editing00
Lakatos (1978a)20Needs Editing00
Terrall (2002)20Stub00
Palider (2019)20Needs Editing00
Popper (2002b)20Needs Editing00
Kuhn (2012)20Needs Editing00
Siegel (2011)20Stub00
McDermid (2017)20Stub00
Chang (2022)20Needs Editing00
Barseghyan and Shaw (2017)20Needs Editing00
Finkenstaedt (1990)20Stub00
Berryman (2016b)20Stub00
Hoyningen-Huene (2006)20Stub00
Mill (2003)20Stub00
Lund (2010)20Stub00
Sagan (1979)20Stub00
Baigrie (1988)20Stub00
Fleck (1936)20Stub00
Longino (1992a)20Stub00
Palermos and Pritchard (2016)20Stub00
Fieser and Dowden (Ed.) (2017)20Stub00
Mandelbrote (2004)20Stub00
Thijssen (2003)20Needs Editing00
Feyerabend (1975a)20Stub00
Feyerabend (2015)20Stub00
Leibniz (2017a)20Stub00
Bloor (1999)20Stub00
Patton (2019)20Needs Editing00
Latour (2005)20Stub00
Andersen and Hepburn (2015)20Stub00
Ludwig and Jankovic (2015)20Stub00
Kochiras (2014)20Stub00
Morris and Brown (2016)20Stub00
Vosniadou (Ed.) (2008)20Stub00
Dechauffour (2022)20Needs Editing00
Van Fraassen (1980)20Needs Editing00
Shapin (1994)20Stub00
Intemann (2008)20Stub00
Lakatos (1970)20Needs Editing00
Descartes (2017)20Stub00
Barnes, Bloor, and Henry (1996)20Stub00
Butts and Hintikka (Eds.) (1977)20Stub00
Hatfield (2004)20Stub00
Barseghyan (2021b)20Needs Editing00
Fleck (1935a)20Stub00
McMullin (2001)20Stub00
Miller (2013)20Stub00
Hempel (1945)20Needs Editing00
Golinski (1998)20Stub00
Bechtel (2008)20Stub00
Oppy (1996)20Stub00
Herring et al. (Eds.) (2019)20Needs Editing00
Babich (2003)20Stub00
Frigg (2006)20Stub00
Feyerabend (1993)20Stub00
Downing (2013)20Stub00
Wimsatt (2006)20Stub00
Bschir and Shaw (Eds.) (2021)20Needs Editing00
Feyerabend (1981b)20Stub00
Lennon and Dea (2014)20Stub00
Paley (1809)20Stub00
Barseghyan and Shaw (2022)20Needs Editing00
Lakatos and Musgrave (Eds.) (1970)20Needs Editing00
Alliksaar (2019)20Needs Editing00
Martin (Ed.) (2007)20Stub00
Theiner, Allen, and Goldstone (2010)20Stub00
Schantz and Seidel (Eds.) (2011)20Stub00
Palider (2022)20Needs Editing00
Arabatzis and Schickore (2012)20Needs Editing00
McIntyre (1996)20Needs Editing00
Berryman (2016c)20Stub00
Newman (2014)20Stub00
Laudan, Laudan, and Donovan (1988)20Stub00
Schickore and Steinle (Eds.) (2006)20Stub00
Peirce (1958)20Stub00
Golinski (2012)20Stub00
Westfall (1980)20Stub00
Nichols and Yaffe (2016)20Stub00
Spath (2007)20Stub00
Kuhn (1996)20Needs Editing00
Annas and Barnes (Eds.) (1985)20Stub00
Latour (1987)20Stub00
Longino (1992b)20Stub00
Palermos (2016)20Stub00
Owen (2009)20Stub00
Barseghyan, Overgaard, and Rupik (2018)20Needs Editing00
Aristotle (1984)20Stub00
Latour and Woolgar (1979)20Stub00
Barseghyan (2022b)20Needs Editing00
Feyerabend (1999)20Stub00
Longino (1983a)20Stub00
DiMarco and Khalifa (2019)20Stub00
Voss (Ed.) (1993)20Stub00
Goldman and Blanchard (2016)20Stub00
Longino (2010)20Stub00
Corradini and O'Connor (2010)20Stub00
Norton (2009)20Stub00
Patton (2022)20Needs Editing00
Descartes (2007)20Stub00
Locke (2015)20Stub00
Giere and Moffatt (2003)20Stub00
Warren (2005)20Stub00
Rupik (2021)20Stub00
Weinberg (2003)20Stub00
Friesen and Patton (2023)20Needs Editing00
Longino (2016b)20Stub00
Gooding (1985)20Stub00
Chalmers (1996)20Stub00
Hume (2008)20Stub00
Allchin (2001)20Stub00
Cohen and Schnelle (Eds.) (1986)20Stub00
Mormann (2008)20Stub00
Curd (2016)20Stub00
Anstey (2011)20Stub00
Longino (1989)20Stub00
Wimsatt (2007)20Stub00
Godfrey-Smith (2003)20Stub00
Popper (1963)20Stub00
Ruse (1999)20Stub00
Stump (2022)20Needs Editing00
Tresch (2013)20Stub00
Longino (2008)20Stub00
Theiner and O'Connor (2010)20Stub00
Barseghyan (2018)20Needs Editing00
Priest, Tanaka, and Weber (2015)20Stub00
Yan, Tsai, and Huang (2022)20Needs Editing00
Arabatzis (2006)20Needs Editing00
Rescher (2000a)20Stub00
Anagnostopoulos (Ed.) (2009)20Stub00
Rodis-Lewis (1992)20Stub00
Wykstra (1980)20Needs Editing00
Peirce (1878)20Stub00
Miller (2012)20Stub00
Wright (2012)20Stub00
Baigrie (2007)20Stub00
Russell (1945)20Stub00
Kuhn (1962a)20Needs Editing00
Latour (1988a)20Stub00
Wisniak (2004)20Stub00
Garfield (1985)20Stub00
McIntyre (2009)20Needs Editing00
Zalta (Ed.) (2017)20Stub00
Cohen et al. (Eds.) (1976)20Stub00
Bedau (2003)20Stub00
Bird (2011)20Stub00
Longino (2019)20Stub00
Cook (2013)20Stub00
Barseghyan and Mirkin (2019)20Needs Editing00
Sarwar (2022)20Needs Editing00
Franklin (1993)20Needs Editing00
Latour (1999)20Stub00
Crasnow (1993)20Stub00
Lindberg (1992)20Needs Editing00
Laudan (1996)20Stub00
Barnes (1977)20Stub00
Thompson (2007)20Stub00
Barseghyan et al. (Eds.) (2022)20Needs Editing00
Feyerabend (2010)20Stub00
Jardine (2000)20Needs Editing00
Shapere (1980)20Stub00
Hatfield (1992)20Stub00
Longino (2016a)20Stub00
Hickney (2016)20Stub00
Hume (2007)20Stub00
Beck and Sharvit (2002)20Stub00
Laudan (1981a)20Needs Editing00
Sarwar and Fraser (2018)20Stub00
Losee (2001)20Stub00
Dunn (2003)20Stub00
Longino (1990)20Stub00
List and Pettit (2006)20Stub00
Norton and Taylor (Eds.) (2009)20Stub00
Douglas (2016)20Needs Editing00
Fieser (2016)20Stub00
Ruse (2003)20Stub00
Zalta (Ed.) (2016)20Stub00
Look (2017)20Stub00
Theiner (2015)20Stub00
Giere (Ed.) (1992)20Stub00
Carnielli and Marcos (2001)20Stub00
Rawleigh (2022)20Needs Editing00
Chang (2004)20Needs Editing00
Biro (2009)20Stub00
Rescher (2000b)20Needs Editing00
Duhem (1996)20Stub00
Anagnostopoulos (2009)20Stub00
Uzgalis (2016)20Stub00
Rawleigh (2018)20Stub00
Giere (2012)20Stub00
Reid (2007)20Stub00
Ereshefsky (2017)20Stub00
Baigrie (Ed.) (2003)20Stub00
Cottingham (Ed.) (1992)20Needs Editing00
Latour (2009)20Stub00
Garber (1992)20Stub00
Faye (2014)20Stub00
Shields (2016b)20Stub00
De Pierris (2006)20Stub00
Abbott et al. (2016)20Stub00
Winther (2016)20Stub00
Nickles (2017a)20Stub00
Wiśniewski (1995)20Needs Editing00
Longino (1983b)20Stub00
Kim (1999)20Stub00
Lakatos (1978b)20Needs Editing00
Longino (1996)20Stub00
Kitcher (1993)20Needs Editing00
Héder and Nádasi (Eds.) (2019)20Needs Editing00
Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (1935)20Stub00
De Pierris and Friedman (2013)20Stub00
Garcia (2022)20Needs Editing00
Shaw and Barseghyan (2019)20Stub00
Longino (2002)20Stub00
Bolt (1998)20Stub00
Popper (2002a)20Needs Editing00
Carruthers, Stitch, and Siegal (Eds.) (2002)20Needs Editing00
Clark (2017)20Stub00
Palider et al. (2021)20Needs Editing00
Feyerabend (1973)20Stub00
Ritson (2016)20Needs Editing00
Berryman (2016a)20Stub00
Hatfield (2016)20Stub00
Anagnostopoulos and Miller (Eds.) (2013)20Stub00
Schlosser (2015)20Stub00
Hanson (1958)20Stub00
Deming (2016)20Stub00
Lakatos (1971a)20Stub00
Fraser and Sarwar (2018)20Needs Editing00
Harwood (1986)20Stub00
Mauskopf and Schmaltz (2012)20Stub00
Feigl and Maxwell (Eds.) (1961)20Stub00
Fisher (2014)20Stub00
Reider (2016)20Stub00
Bristow (2017)20Needs Editing00
Lindberg (2007)20Needs Editing00
Barseghyan (2022a)20Needs Editing00
Laudan (1984a)20Stub00
Longino (1979)20Stub00
Motterlini (Ed.) (1999)20Needs Editing00
Uebel (2016)20Stub00
Tollefsen (2004)20Stub00
Harris (2015)20Stub00
Smith (2009)20Stub00
Fraser (2022)20Needs Editing00
Leary (1979)20Stub00
Mercuri and Barseghyan (2019)20Needs Editing00
Cohen and Smith (Eds.) (2002)20Stub00
Popper (1972)20Stub00
Basu et al. (Eds.) (2021)20Needs Editing00
Harper (2011)20Stub00
Wright and Potter (Eds.) (2000)20Stub00
Longino (1995)20Stub00
Barseghyan (2015)20Needs Editing00
Forman (1971)20Stub00
History of Science Society (2016)20Stub00
Des Chene (2001)20Stub00
Bell (2009)20Stub00
Laudan (1977a)20Needs Editing00
Mirkin (2018)20Needs Editing00
Ariew (1986)20Stub00
Halvorson (2012)20Stub00
Preston (1997)20Stub00
Longino (1987)20Stub00
O'Connor and Yu Wong (2015)20Stub00
Garber (1993)18Stub00
Newton (1687)16Stub00
Mauskopf and Schmaltz (Eds.) (2012)16Stub00
Locke (2015b)16Stub00
Descartes (2009)15Stub00
Descartes (2004)15Stub00
Frangsmyr (1974)15Stub00
Locke (2015a)15Stub00
Scharff and Dusek (Eds.) (2003)12Stub00
Latour (Ed.) (1999)12Stub00
Newton (1999)11Stub00
Popper (1959)11Stub00
Castelvecchi and Witze (2016)10Stub00
Pitt (Ed.) (1985)10Stub00
Berkeley (1957)10Stub00
Locke (2015c)9Stub00
Locke (2015d)9Stub00
DePierris (2006)9Stub00
Cottingham (1992)9Stub00
Jolley (1992)8Stub00
Osler (1970)8Stub00
Kanschik (2009)7Stub00
Aiton (1958)7Stub00
Coady (1994)7Stub00
Hardwig (1991)7Stub00
Haldane (1905)7Stub00
Encyclopedia Britannica (2016)6Stub00
Hutchins (1995)6Stub00
Knorr Cetina (1999)6Stub00
Porter (1995)5Stub00
Bloor (1984)5Stub00
Sarton (1957a)4Stub00
Weisberg, Needham, and Hendry (2011)4Needs Editing00
Fleck (1983)4Stub00
Sarton (2011)4Stub00
Bird (2000)3Stub00
During (1957)3Stub00
Milton (1994)3Stub00
Boole (2003)3Stub00
Williams (2002)3Stub00
Adamson (2015)3Stub00
Matilal and Charkrabarti (Eds.) (1994)3Stub00
Chappell (Ed.) (1994)3Stub00
Sarton (2007)2Stub00
Sarton (2017)2Stub00
Sarton (1987)2Stub00
Carls (2016)2Stub00
Morris (2001)2Stub00
Lakatos (1961)1Stub00
Kitcher (2016)0Stub00
Klein (2012)0Stub00
Savage (Ed.) (1990)0Stub00
Carnap (1956a)0Stub00
Gottfried (2008)0Stub00
Kuhn (1986)0Stub00
Carnap (1945a)0Stub00
Hollis and Lukes (Eds.) (1982)0Stub00
Kuhn (1955a)0Stub00
Aristotle (1994a)0Stub00
Carnap (1997a)0Stub00
Feyerabend (1978a)0Stub00
Cohen and Laudan (Eds.) (1983)0Stub00
Carnap (1953d)0Stub00
McInerny (2015)0Stub00
Friedman (1992)0Stub00
Lipton (1998)0Stub00
Kuhn (1973a)0Stub00
Mill (1985b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1980c)0Stub00
Madden (Ed.) (1960)0Stub00
Ruse (Ed.) (1989)0Stub00
Sarton (1954)0Stub00
Feigl, Scriven and Maxwell (Eds.) (1956)0Stub00
Jones (1868)0Stub00
Bodnar (2016)0Stub00
Laudan (1966a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1981)0Stub00
Carnap (1936)0Stub00
Knorr-Cetina and Mulkay (1983)0Stub00
Lakatos (1963b)0Stub00
Kuhn and Van Vleck (1950)0Stub00
Herschel (1849)0Stub00
Carnap and Shimony (1977)0Stub00
Feyerabend (1970a)0Stub00
Barker and Shugart (Eds.) (1981)0Stub00
Popper (1947)0Stub00
Carnap (1951d)0Stub00
Duhem (1893)0Stub00
Kuhn (1970c)0Stub00
Latour (1998a)0Stub00
Weber (1946)0Stub00
Burkholder (2014)0Stub00
Mill (1988b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1959d)0Stub00
Laudan (1970a)0Stub00
Sarton (1950b)0Stub00
Carnap (1967b)0Stub00
Megerdoomian and Bar-el (2001)0Stub00
Feyerabend (1964a)0Stub00
Laudan (1977b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1993b)0Stub00
Carnap (1948c)0Stub00
Frede and Reis (Eds.) (2009)0Stub00
Kuhn (1961b)0Stub00
Aristotle (1996b)0Stub00
Carnap (2017b)0Stub00
Becher (1981)0Stub00
Gerth and Mills (Eds.) (1946)0Stub00
Colodny (Ed.) (1965)0Stub00
Laudan (1988b)0Stub00
Sarton (1927)0Stub00
Cobb (2010)0Stub00
Mill (1972b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1967e)0Stub00
Creath (2011)0Stub00
Ariew (1992)0Stub00
Laudan (1992)0Stub00
Sarton (1931c)0Stub00
Carnap (1958)0Stub00
Barseghyan (2021a)0Stub00
Feyerabend (1958a)0Stub00
Laudan (1976b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1990)0Stub00
Carnap (1946b)0Stub00
Hume (1975)0Stub00
Kuhn (1957a)0Stub00
Aristotle (1983a)0Stub00
Carnap (2003b)0Stub00
Strong (1955)0Stub00
Levesley and Fraser (2022)0Needs Editing00
McMullin (1988)0Stub00
Feyerabend (1984a)0Stub00
Laudan (1984b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1976a)0Stub00
Gaukroger (1995)0Stub00
Laudan (1990b)0Stub00
Sarton (1930)0Stub00
Neurath et al. (1955)0Stub00
Farley and Geison (1974)0Stub00
Laudan (1968b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1983b)0Stub00
Carnap (1938)0Stub00
Lakatos (1968a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1952b)0Stub00
Mill (1977b)0Stub00
Carnap (1988)0Stub00
Zabell (2008)0Stub00
Feyerabend (1974)0Stub00
Laudan (1982b)0Stub00
Jardine (2003)0Stub00
Carnap (1952c)0Stub00
Samet (2008)0Stub00
Kuhn (1971b)0Stub00
Mill (1967b)0Stub00
Kuhn (1999)0Stub00
Reichenbach (1938)0Stub00
Smith (2002)0Stub00
Bloor (1976)0Stub00
Woolf (Ed.) (1980)0Stub00
Mill (1991)0Stub00
Kuhn (1957b)0Stub00
Lakatos (Ed.) (1967)0Stub00
Herschel (1831)0Stub00
Carnap (1971b)0Stub00
Feyerabend (1968)0Stub00
Laudan (1981e)0Stub00
Popper (1945a)0Stub00
Carnap (1950c)0Stub00
Hansson (2017)0Stub00
Duhem (1962)0Stub00
Kuhn et al. (1967)0Stub00
Aristotle (1983)0Stub00
Latour (1981)0Stub00
Hume (2000)0Stub00
Nola and Sankey (Eds.) (2000)0Stub00
Feyerabend (1970f)0Stub00
Laudan (1989a)0Stub00
Longino (1997a)0Stub00
Kuhn (1977b)0Stub00
Mill (1986c)0Stub00
Kuhn (1966)0Stub00
Laudan (1997a)0Stub00
Sarton (1937)0Stub00
Feyerabend (1962a)0Stub00
Asquith and Kyburg (Eds.) (1979)0Stub00
Kuhn (1992b)0Stub00
... further results



The following table shows the completion rates of all pages in category Topic:

TopicTotalStatusDescriptionPrehistoryHistoryRelated Topics
Mechanism of Theory Acceptance100Editor Approved65100100
Scope of Scientonomy - Construction and Appraisal100Editor Approved851000
Epistemic Stances Towards Epistemic Elements100Editor Approved1001000
Application of Scientonomy to Other Fields100Editor Approved4100
Mechanism of Mosaic Split100Editor Approved10010049
Scope of Scientonomy - Descriptive and Normative100Editor Approved1001000
Mechanism of Method Employment100Editor Approved79100100
Discipline95Needs Editing100100100
Ontology of Scientific Change95Needs Editing100100100
Mechanism of Theory Pursuit95Needs Editing100100100
Bearers of Mosaic95Needs Editing100100100
Hierarchy of Theories95Stub100100100
Theory Pursuit93Needs Editing1009693
Subtypes of Epistemic Element90Needs Editing100100100
Conclusive Theory Assessment90Needs Editing100100100
Mechanism of Compatibility89Needs Editing10098100
Possibility of Scientonomy - The Argument from Social Construction85Stub1001000
Mechanism of Scientific Change85Needs Editing1001000
Scope of Scientonomy - Explicit and Implicit85Needs Editing1001000
Philosophy of Science - Relativism85Stub1001000
Role of Methodology in Scientific Change85Stub1001000
Possibility of Scientonomy - The Argument from Nothing Permanent85Stub1001000
Scientific Community81Needs Editing59100100
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Scientific Change80Needs Editing1001000
Scope of Scientonomy - Individual and Social80Needs Editing851000
Nature of Appraisal80Needs Editing1001000
Methodology and Methods80Needs Editing1001000
Mechanism of Norm Employment76Needs Editing46100100
Scope of Scientonomy - Time Fields and Scale76Needs Editing751000
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Method Employment74Needs Editing100870
Philosophy of Science - Demarcation73Stub651000
Accepted Methodology and Theory Pursuit71Needs Editing611000
Theory70Needs Editing28100100
Social Level70Stub561000
Authority Delegation70Needs Editing721000
Static vs. Dynamic Methods68Needs Editing36100100
Scientific Mosaic67Needs Editing21100100
Method67Needs Editing2210093
Synchronism vs. Asynchronism of Method Employment66Needs Editing611000
Determinism vs. Underdeterminism in Scientific Change65Needs Editing581000
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Theory Acceptance65Needs Editing431000
Mechanism of Theory Rejection62Needs Editing351000
Assessment of Scientonomy59Needs Editing49820
Scope of Scientonomy - Acceptance Use and Pursuit58Needs Editing100410
Individual Level54Stub77480
Epistemic Stances Towards Theories54Needs Editing99430
Sociocultural Factors50Needs Editing01000
Applicability of Scientonomy to Theories as Models46Needs Editing100130
The Paradox of Normative Propositions45Needs Editing1000100
Mechanism of Question Acceptance45Needs Editing1000100
Subtypes of Epistemic Agent45Needs Editing01000
Theory vs. Method Compatibility40Stub10000
Scope of Scientonomy40Needs Editing10000
Delegation of Authority to Artifacts40Needs Editing10000
Indicators of Question Acceptance40Stub10000
Delegation of Authority to Individuals40Stub10000
Workflow - Handling Ripple Effects40Needs Editing10000
Assessment of Scientonomy - Method40Needs Editing10000
The Status of Holism and Ripple Effect40Needs Editing10000
Theories Shaping Core Questions40Needs Editing10000
Individual and Communal Levels40Stub10000
Deducibility in Method Employment40Stub10000
Status of Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation40Needs Editing10000
Pursuit as Acceptance40Stub10010
Theory Acceptance39Needs Editing680100
Mechanism of Discipline Acceptance37Needs Editing9100
Scope of Scientonomy - Mosaic Formation36Stub8900
Indicators of Theory Scientificity35Stub10000
Pursuit and Acceptance35Needs Editing10000
Methods and Technical Research Tools35Needs Editing10000
Role of Non-Social and Environmental Factors in Scientific Change35Stub10000
Workflow - Closure Mechanism35Stub10000
Existence of Model35Stub10000
Indicators of Conclusiveness for Scientificity Assessment35Stub10000
Ripple Effect of Method Rejection35Stub10000
Existence of Question35Needs Editing10000
Mechanism of Discipline Rejection35Needs Editing8700
Scientificity of Methods35Stub10000
Epistemic Community as Part of Non-Epistemic Community35Stub10000
Inferring Theory Assessment Outcomes35Stub10000
Philosophy of Science - Scientific Progress35Stub8500
Theory Acceptance without Sufficient Reason35Stub10000
Workflow - Goals of Peer Review35Stub10000
Scientificity of Questions35Stub10000
Mechanism of Error Rejection35Stub10000
Mechanism of Theory Demarcation35Stub10000
Necessary Logic34Stub8400
Necessary Epistemic Elements34Stub16620
Indicators of Communities33Stub9300
Methods Shaping Theory Construction32Stub9100
Indicators of Theory Acceptance32Stub7700
Normative Effects of Scientonomy31Stub7400
Status of Multiple Mutual Delegation31Stub8900
Status of Reasons30Needs Editing8500
Status of Tacit Theories30Stub7200
Role of Practical Considerations in Scientific Change30Stub8700
Workflow - Reformulating Suggesting Modifications29Stub8300
Role of Used Theories in Method Employment29Stub8400
Status of Technological Knowledge29Needs Editing6900
Delegation of Authority to Past Communities28Needs Editing8000
Workflow - Publishing Modification Comments28Stub8100
Demarcation Criteria27Stub6300
Acceptance Criteria27Needs Editing6300
Compatibility Criteria27Stub6400
Indicators of Method Employment27Needs Editing6400
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Mosaic Split27Stub7800
Existence of Method Hierarchies27Needs Editing7700
Application of Scientonomy to Philosophy of Science27Stub6200
Status of Impossible Abstract Requirements26Stub7300
Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation25Needs Editing5600
Singular Authority Delegation25Needs Editing5800
Tautological Status of The First Law for Methods (Barseghyan-2015)25Stub7000
Tautological Status of The Second Law (Barseghyan-2015)25Needs Editing7000
Multiple Authority Delegation25Needs Editing5800
Tautological Status of The First Law for Theories (Barseghyan-2015)25Stub7000
Tautological Status of The Second Law (Patton-Overgaard-Barseghyan-2017)25Stub7100
Epistemic Agent25Needs Editing420100
Role of Employed Methods in Question Acceptance24Needs Editing202746
Non-Epistemic Community24Needs Editing5300
Mechanism of Method Rejection24Needs Editing5300
Tautological Status of The Law of Theory Demarcation (Sarwar-Fraser-2018)24Stub6800
Methodology24Needs Editing5500
Epistemic Element23Stub380100
Tautological Status of The Law of Compatibility (Fraser-Sarwar-2018)23Stub6600
Social Agents of Scientific Change23Stub5100
Mechanism of Question Rejection23Stub370100
Theory Use23Needs Editing5200
Hierarchical Authority Delegation23Needs Editing5200
Tautological Status of The First Law (Barseghyan-2015)23Stub6700
Discipline Acceptance22Needs Editing4800
Employed Method22Needs Editing200100
Necessary Methods22Stub6400
Deriving Methods from an Empty Set22Stub6400
The Necessity of Intercommunication for Community22Stub6300
Possibility of Scientonomy - Preconditions21Stub6100
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Epistemic Elements21Stub6100
Scientonomic Workflow21Needs Editing6000
Assessment of Scientonomy - Relevant Facts21Needs Editing4500
Changeability of the Scientific Mosaic21Stub4600
Method Hierarchy21Needs Editing4600
Applicability of the Laws of Scientific Change21Needs Editing4500
Tautological Status of The Zeroth Law (Harder-2015)20Stub5800
Delineating Theory20Needs Editing4300
Role of Definitions in Scientific Change19Stub5500
Core Question19Stub5500
Core Theory19Stub5400
Epistemic Community18Stub3800
Questions and Theory Pursuit17Stub4800
Individual Epistemic Agent17Needs Editing32059
Scientific Change17Needs Editing25034
Mutual Authority Delegation17Needs Editing4800
Implementation vs. Employment of Methods16Stub4700
Necessary Questions16Stub4500
Technological Theory16Stub24026
Applicability of the Laws of Scientific Change to Individuals16Stub4500
Indicators of Inconclusiveness16Stub4700
Normative Theory16Stub4500
Synchronism vs. Asynchronism of Method Rejection16Stub3100
Descriptive Theory15Stub2800
The Necessity of Language in Community15Stub2900
Accidental Group15Stub2800
Epistemic Tool14Stub3900
Explicit14Needs Editing4100
Epistemic Presupposition14Stub3900
Theory Assessment Outcomes14Needs Editing2700
Scope of Scientonomy - Tracing Implicit and Explicit14Stub3900
Existence of Epistemic Element14Needs Editing110100
Norm Employment14Stub2500
Logical Presupposition14Needs Editing4100
Implicit13Needs Editing3700
Tautological Status of Question Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Levesley-Pandey-2023)13Stub3600
Mechanism of Local Epistemic Action Availability13Stub3600
Mosaic Merge12Stub2000
Tautological Status of Question Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Levesley-2021)12Stub3300
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Questions12Stub3400
Necessary Normative Theories12Stub3400
Tautological Status of The First Law for Questions (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)12Stub3300
Substantive Method12Stub2100
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Theories12Needs Editing3400
Procedural Method12Stub2100
Epistemic Action12Stub3300
Mosaic Split12Needs Editing2000
Role of Sociocultural Factors in Question Acceptance12Stub3300
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Normative Theories12Stub3300
Necessary Descriptive Theories12Stub3500
Tautological Status of The First Law for Norms (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)12Stub3300
Tool Reliance11Stub3100
Tautological Status of The First Law for Theories (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)11Stub3200
Tautological Status of Theory Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-Pandey-2023)11Stub3200
Local Epistemic Action10Stub2900
Outcome Not Satisfied10Stub2900
Outcome Accept10Needs Editing2800
Outcome Not Accept10Needs Editing2800
Tautological Status of Theory Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-2015)10Stub2900
Outcome Inconclusive10Stub2900
Tautological Status of Method Rejection theorem (Barseghyan-2015)10Stub2900
Outcome Satisfied10Stub2800
Epistemic Stances Towards Normative Theories9Stub2700
Is Element Decay a Scientonomic Phenomenon9Needs Editing2700
Tautological Status of Norm Rejection theorem (Pandey-2023)9Stub2700
Mechanism of Normative Theory Rejection9Stub2500
Epistemic Stances Towards Questions9Stub2600
Epistemic Stances Towards Descriptive Theories9Stub2700
Compatibility of Mosaic Elements9Stub2500
Explicable-Implicit9Needs Editing2600
Global Epistemic Action9Stub2600
Local Action Availability8Stub2300
Epistemic Stances Towards Methods7Stub2100
Epistemic Stances Towards Definitions6Stub1800
Necessary Theories5Stub1400
Role of Ethics in Scientific Change5Stub000
Question Acceptance5Stub000
Mechanism of Scientific Inertia for Methods5Stub1500
Application of Scientonomy to Delayed Rejection5Stub000
History of Scientific Change5Stub000
Synchronism vs. Asynchronism of Demarcation and Acceptance1Stub400
Existence of Community0Stub000
Associations of Individual Epistemic Agent0Stub000
Disjointness of Singular Authority Delegation0Stub000
Subtypes of Scientific Mosaic0Stub000
Supertypes of Accidental Group0Stub000
Existence of Mosaic Merge0Stub000
Associations of Scientonomy0Stub000
Subtypes of Explicable-Implicit0Stub000
Disjointness of Compatibility0Stub000
Existence of One-sided Authority Delegation0Stub000
Supertypes of Method Hierarchy0Stub000
One-sided Authority Delegation0Stub000
Subtypes of Acceptance Criteria0Stub000
Supertypes of Subquestion0Stub000
Existence of Logical Presupposition0Stub000
Associations of Singular Authority Delegation0Stub000
Subtypes of Question Pursuit0Stub000
Disjointness of Question0Stub000
Existence of Group0Stub000
Supertypes of Question Acceptance0Stub000
Theory Decay0Stub000
Indicators of Violation0Stub000
Associations of Theory Pursuit0Stub000
Disjointness of Local Epistemic Action0Stub000
Subtypes of Epistemic Stance0Stub000
Supertypes of Epistemic Action0Stub000
Existence of Theory Use0Stub000
Associations of Local Action Availability0Stub000
Subdisciplines of Theoretical Scientonomy0Stub000
Subtypes of Core Theory0Stub000
Disjointness of Error0Stub000
Existence of Multiple Authority Delegation0Stub000
Supertypes of Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Associations of Community0Stub000
Disjointness of Model0Stub000
Existence of Descriptive Theory0Stub000
Associations of Epistemic Tool0Stub000
Disjointness of Non-Epistemic Community0Stub000
Subtypes of Tool Reliance0Stub000
Supertypes of Error0Stub000
Status of Practical Propositions0Stub100
Existence of Local Epistemic Action0Stub000
Associations of Methodology0Stub000
Subtypes of One-sided Authority Delegation0Stub000
Disjointness of Acceptance Criteria0Stub000
Subtypes of Explicit0Stub000
Supertypes of Individual Epistemic Agent0Stub000
Associations of Compatibility Criteria0Stub000
Disjointness of Core Theory0Stub000
Conceptualizing Method Hierarchies0Stub000
Subtypes of Logical Presupposition0Stub000
Supertypes of Procedural Method0Stub000
Existence of Scientific Mosaic0Stub000
Associations of Non-Epistemic Community0Stub000
Subtypes of Scientonomy0Stub000
Disjointness of Theory Acceptance0Stub000
Existence of Explicable-Implicit0Stub000
Supertypes of Mosaic Split0Stub000
Subtypes of Theory Use0Stub000
Supertypes of Delineating Theory0Stub000
Existence of Demarcation Criteria0Stub000
Associations of Core Question0Stub000
Subtypes of Singular Authority Delegation0Stub000
Disjointness of Epistemic Community0Stub000
Existence of Question Pursuit0Stub000
Supertypes of Theory Decay0Stub000
Associations of Question Acceptance0Stub000
Disjointness of Theory Decay0Stub000
Supertypes of Mosaic Merge0Stub000
Existence of Theory Acceptance0Stub000
Associations of Element Decay0Stub000
Disjointness of Scientific Community0Stub000
Subtypes of Local Action Availability0Stub000
Supertypes of One-sided Authority Delegation0Stub000
Existence of Core Theory0Stub000
Supertypes of Descriptive Theory0Stub000
Associations of Question0Stub000
Disjointness of Authority Delegation0Stub000
Subtypes of Method0Stub000
Existence of Method0Stub000
Associations of Epistemic Community0Stub000
Disjointness of Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Subtypes of Model0Stub000
Supertypes of Group0Stub000
Existence of Reason0Stub000
Associations of Scientific Change0Stub000
Subtypes of Implicit0Stub000
Disjointness of Theory Use0Stub000
Supertypes of Epistemic Presupposition0Stub000
Subtypes of Demarcation Criteria0Stub000
Supertypes of Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Existence of Authority Delegation0Stub000
Associations of Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Subtypes of Non-Epistemic Community0Stub000
Disjointness of Theory0Stub000
Existence of Scientonomy0Stub000
Supertypes of Compatibility0Stub000
Associations of Scientificity0Stub000
Disjointness of Local Action Availability0Stub000
Possibility of Scientonomy - Argument from Changeability of Scientific Method0Stub100
Subtypes of Theory Acceptance0Stub000
Supertypes of Global Epistemic Action0Stub000
Existence of Theory Pursuit0Stub000
Associations of Discipline Acceptance0Stub000
Subdisciplines of Scientonomy0Stub000
Subtypes of Core Question0Stub000
Disjointness of Explicable-Implicit0Stub000
Existence of Singular Authority Delegation0Stub000
Supertypes of Normative Theory0Stub000
Associations of Implicit0Stub000
Disjointness of Definition0Stub000
Existence of Epistemic Agent0Stub000
Associations of Mosaic Merge0Stub000
Disjointness of Sociocultural Factors0Stub000
Subtypes of Theory Decay0Stub000
Supertypes of Explicable-Implicit0Stub000
Existence of Local Action Availability0Stub000
Supertypes of Theory0Stub000
Associations of Discipline0Stub000
Disjointness of Demarcation Criteria0Stub000
Subtypes of Outcome Inconclusive0Stub000
Supertypes of Discipline0Stub000
Associations of Method Hierarchy0Stub000
Disjointness of Core Question0Stub000
Subtypes of Individual Epistemic Agent0Stub000
Supertypes of Question Pursuit0Stub000
Associations of Sociocultural Factors0Stub000
Normative Inference0Stub000
Subtypes of Scientific Change0Stub000
Disjointness of Norm Employment0Stub000
Existence of Implicit0Stub000
Supertypes of Acceptance Criteria0Stub000
Subtypes of Theory Pursuit0Stub000
Supertypes of Core Theory0Stub000
Existence of Compatibility Criteria0Stub000
Associations of Subdiscipline0Stub000
Subtypes of Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Disjointness of Accidental Group0Stub000
Existence of Non-Epistemic Community0Stub000
Supertypes of Epistemic Stance0Stub000
Epistemic Stance0Stub000
Associations of Method0Stub000
Disjointness of Element Decay0Stub000
Subtypes of Community0Stub000
Supertypes of Reason0Stub000
Existence of Norm Employment0Stub000
Associations of Epistemic Action0Stub000
Disjointness of Implicit0Stub000
Subtypes of Discipline Acceptance0Stub000
Disjointness of Epistemic Element0Stub000
Possibility of Scientonomy - Argument from Bad Track Record0Stub000
Existence of Core Question0Stub000
Supertypes of Outcome Accept0Stub000
Associations of Normative Theory0Stub000
Disjointness of Individual Epistemic Agent0Stub000
Associations of Scientific Mosaic0Stub000
Disjointness of Substantive Method0Stub000
Subtypes of Epistemic Tool0Stub000
Supertypes of Scientonomy0Stub000
Existence of Tool Reliance0Stub000
Associations of Scientific Community0Stub000
Subtypes of Inexplicable0Stub000
Disjointness of Theory Pursuit0Stub000
Subtypes of Question0Stub000
Supertypes of Logical Presupposition0Stub000
Disjointness of Discipline Acceptance0Stub000
Sufficient Reason and Theory Acceptance0Stub000
Subtypes of Compatibility Criteria0Stub000
Supertypes of Singular Authority Delegation0Stub000
Existence of Individual Epistemic Agent0Stub000
Associations of Substantive Method0Stub000
Subtypes of Sociocultural Factors0Stub000
Disjointness of Descriptive Theory0Stub000
Existence of Scientific Change0Stub000
Supertypes of Theory Use0Stub000
Associations of Mosaic Split0Stub000
Subtypes of Norm Employment0Stub000
Supertypes of Local Epistemic Action0Stub000
Existence of Scientificity0Stub000
Associations of Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Superdisciplines of Theoretical Scientonomy0Stub000
Subtypes of Subdiscipline0Stub000
Disjointness of Normative Theory0Stub000
Existence of Non-Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Supertypes of Definition0Stub000
Associations of Epistemic Stance0Stub000
Disjointness of Mosaic Merge0Stub000
Existence of Element Decay0Stub000
Associations of Reason0Stub000
Disjointness of Group0Stub000
Subtypes of Epistemic Action0Stub000
Supertypes of Inexplicable0Stub000
Existence of Discipline Acceptance0Stub000
Supertypes of Question0Stub000
Associations of Epistemic Element0Stub000
Disjointness of Compatibility Criteria0Stub000
Subtypes of Normative Theory0Stub000
Supertypes of Scientific Mosaic0Stub000
Associations of Epistemic Presupposition0Stub000
Disjointness of Subdiscipline0Stub000
Subtypes of Epistemic Community0Stub000
Supertypes of Non-Epistemic Community0Stub000
Existence of Definition0Stub000
Associations of Accidental Group0Stub000
Subtypes of Scientific Community0Stub000
Disjointness of Question Acceptance0Stub000
Existence of Methodology0Stub000
Supertypes of Demarcation Criteria0Stub000
Subtypes of Scientificity0Stub000
Supertypes of Core Question0Stub000
Existence of Method Hierarchy0Stub000
Associations of Subquestion0Stub000
Subtypes of Substantive Method0Stub000
Disjointness of Outcome Accept0Needs Editing000
Existence of Sociocultural Factors0Stub000
Supertypes of Theory Acceptance0Stub000
Question Pursuit0Stub000
Associations of Compatibility0Stub000
Disjointness of Epistemic Action0Stub000
Existence of Delayed Rejection0Stub000
Supertypes of Tool Reliance0Stub000
Existence of Question Acceptance0Stub000
Associations of Global Epistemic Action0Stub000
Disjointness of Explicit0Stub000
Subtypes of Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Disjointness of Epistemic Agent0Stub000
Existence of Subdiscipline0Stub000
Supertypes of Explicit0Stub000
Associations of Descriptive Theory0Stub000
Disjointness of Discipline0Stub000
Existence of Theory0Stub000
Associations of Model0Stub000
Disjointness of Procedural Method0Stub000
Subtypes of Mosaic Merge0Stub000
Supertypes of Scientific Change0Stub000
Existence of Epistemic Action0Stub000
Associations of Error0Stub000
Subtypes of Methodology0Stub000
Disjointness of Scientificity0Stub000
Subtypes of Theory0Stub000
Supertypes of Authority Delegation0Stub000
Associations of Acceptance Criteria0Stub000
Disjointness of Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Subtypes of Method Hierarchy0Stub000
Supertypes of Multiple Authority Delegation0Stub000
Existence of Epistemic Community0Stub000
Associations of Procedural Method0Stub000
Sufficient Reason0Stub000
Subtypes of Accidental Group0Stub000
Disjointness of Community0Stub000
Existence of Scientific Community0Stub000
Supertypes of Theory Pursuit0Stub000
Subtypes of Question Acceptance0Stub000
Supertypes of Local Action Availability0Stub000
Existence of Mosaic Split0Stub000
Associations of Delineating Theory0Stub000
Superdisciplines of Scientonomy0Stub000
Subtypes of Subquestion0Stub000
Disjointness of Method Hierarchy0Stub000
Existence of Substantive Method0Stub000
Supertypes of Community0Stub000
Associations of Theory Acceptance0Stub000
Disjointness of Reason0Stub000
Existence of Theory Decay0Stub000
Associations of Tool Reliance0Stub000
Disjointness of Scientonomy0Stub000
Subtypes of Global Epistemic Action0Stub000
Supertypes of Methodology0Stub000
Possibility of Scientonomy0Stub000
Existence of Hierarchical Authority Delegation0Stub000
Supertypes of Epistemic Element0Stub000
... further results